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Types of techniques for liposculpture

Types of techniques for liposculpture

Liposuction is a procedure used to shape the body. It involves removing fat and put it where remaining to give harmony to the body. For these purposes, there are three techniques to do it: the conventional method, ultrasonic assisted liposuction or laser assisted liposuction.

Ultrasonic liposuction or HD

Ultrasonic liposuction, or UAL (acronym for "ultrasonic assisted liposuction"), is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to liquefy fat from a specific part before disposal.

Advantage: Tightens the skin during the process, which makes it an excellent alternative option of a person aimed remove excess loose skin.

Laser liposculpture

Laser-assisted lipolysis performs the dissolution of unwanted fatty tissue using laser energy.
Having previously liquefied fat by laser action, is it continued to lipo conventionally using smaller cannulas.

Advantages: collagen regeneration in areas such as sagging arms and inner thighs, since the laser allows the stretching of the skin, remodeling and shaping these areas. This technique is ideal for patients with grade 2 or 3 cellulite, as it improves the appearance of orange peel and patients who have already been surgically intervened.

1265 Hits

Before and after a breast augmentation

Before and after a breast augmentation

Before practicing this surgery, medical records of patient should be evaluated in order to avoid risks. In addition, when preliminary assessment is set, the patient should express their expectations in order to respond to them and give the best options, alternatives, limitations, and care suggestions they sholud have. It is very important that the patient talk as honestly as possible about their habits and consumption for successful surgery.

Once the surgery is performed, it is normal patient feels tired and kind of painful which is controlled by medication I prescribe; however the third day, it is quite possible that he or she can return to their regular activities.

It is essential that the patient be committed to her or his recovery and uses 24 hours a day a post surgical bra for one month followed.

I do not recommend use of pools to avoid infection; after 10 days from the procedure, I remove incision stitches and suggest getting back exercising 3 to 4 weeks past. The patient may experience low sensibility or tingling in the breasts but past few weeks, this feeling goes plummeting.

Finally, I suggest annual mammograms control which are practiced in a radiology center expert in reading projections taken for breasts with implants.

1160 Hits

Valuable foods in your postoperative

Valuable foods in your postoperative

Aesthetic plastic surgeries, as any intervention, generate an exhausting process for the body, and it is very important that you plan your diet so that both the muscles and the skin can recover quickly.

Consumed foods rich in proteins that help you generate new cells and maintain force. Discover some valuable food for your recovery that will be of great ayuda:
-Protein shakes
-Vegetables steamed
-Juices low in sugar

However, for foods that do not recommend during your recovery after an operation are those that are made up of high levels of sodium, since they promote inflammation in the body and delay the process. In addition to limiting the consumption of foods with sugar, they can generate an increase in weight, and do not contain enough vitamins and minerals essential for your recovery.

1195 Hits

Postoperative week

Postoperative week

The weeks of postoperative after your plastic surgery are crucial to maintain and contribute to excellent results. It is the ideal time to change eating habits and start a new way of life from physical activity and healthy eating so that you can say with confidence that your surgery was a success.

After surgery you should:

1. Modify eating habits: only a matter of knowing the calories and carbohydrates that you eat to avoid falling into excesses, you can combine foods you want but in appropriate portions.
2. Nutrition in the postoperative period: nutrition is key in the first 15 days and must rely on the important consumption of carbohydrates and proteins such as repairing substances, in order to avoid complications and have an excellent healing.
3. Follow recommendations: my recommendations after the surgeries will be sufficient to generate the expected results, since the use of the girdle of compression, food, massage, positions until times to start with physical activity.
4. Stress-free: these weeks are calm and tranquil, the wait can be long, but you should keep in mind that to see the results all will be worth it. Go for a walk with care and enjoy a few days of rest.

1184 Hits

How to maintain your figure after abdominoplasty

How to maintain your figure after abdominoplasty

The tummy tuck is a procedure for firm and flatten the abdomen, however there is no guarantee that the patient can gain weight, must be taken into account that the tummy tuck is not a procedure for weight loss.

Patients who practiced this surgery should continue with a healthy lifestyle based on a diet without excesses and workouts, according to my recommendations. A lifestyle not only renewed will help avoid that patient gain weight after the intervention, but that the exercise is essential for your recovery and muscle-toning.

A daily routine of 30 minutes of alternating exercises will help you keep that new shape look that you will want to have forever. Physical activity after a tummy tuck or body contouring surgery will significantly contribute to the recovery and help reduce inflammation of the intervened area.

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