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Non invasive techniques for facial rejuvenation

Non invasive techniques for facial rejuvenation

With reliable and professional techniques, I offer to my patients aesthetic modern procedures to achieve a rejuvenation that does not affect the composition of the face and without enter to the operating room. With the technology support, I gender to my patients satisfactory experiences that will fit to the needs that you have.

  1. Botulinum Toxin - Botox: a protein that has the ability to weaken the muscles where it applies. These weak muscles, lacking adequate strength to contract, the incredible effect not to generate the lines of expression of the injected sites. Botox is applied directly on the muscle responsible for by the formation of the line or wrinkle expression, causing its temporary relaxation and providing a more rested and youthful appearance to the face.
  2. Facial fillers (hyaluronic acid): is used to correct depressions, wrinkles, asymmetries and lack of tissue in face and/or body. I evaluate what the patient wants, thier face type, problem to correct, their personal activities, work, etc. There are many types of fillers and their application is different according to the patient.
  3. Peeling: is a dermatological treatment for the treatment of wrinkles, spots, some scars and comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Its objective is to generate an exfoliation of the skin through chemical means such as creams, gels, pastes and solutions.
  4. With plasma facial rejuvenation: Unlike other treatments is not synthesized from natural or artificial products, but simply consists of " harvest" and "implement" their own cells responsible for cellular regeneration in the right place and in a quantity that is impossible to achieve by your body by it self.
1010 Hits

Which procedure do you need to improve your breast?

Which procedure do you need to improve your breast?

According to each case, I recommend the breast augmentation or breast lift according to your needs. This is why it is so important to know about each surgery and whether it is appropriate for your specific case.

Let's see what is about each procedure and what are its benefits, when it comes to transform your look:

breast augmentation enhances the size, structure and the shape of the breasts, thanks to the use of breast implans that could be filled with saline or silicone implants. This is an ideal surgery for women who are looking for:

-Increase the volume of the chest

-Restore natural breast size, lost after the pregnancy, by reducing weight or aging.

-Achieve symmetry of the breasts when there are differences between the size of each or in some cases correct to tubelar breasts appereance.

-Reduce the distance between the breasts.

-Find a more proportionate body silhouette

Breast lift, handles mainly eliminate excess of skin in the breasts, which in many cases makes them look very flabby and sagging. The majority of women who have gone through a pregnancy, weight loss, breast feeding or the natural aging process opt for this surgery, since it enhances the bust and removes skin that surplus.

Some patients, opt for combining breast augmentation and brest lift, for best results, but depends on the circumstances of each patient.

1053 Hits

How to prevent and address the risks to plastic surgery

How to prevent and address the risks to plastic surgery

In any surgical procedure, there are risks, however, these can be reduce when you choose a good specialized professional equipment (plastic surgeon and Anesthesiologist) and make sure they are located in a recognized authorized clinic , with appropriate staffing and infrastructure and agile processes to resolve any complication. Not fall into false promises and low costs of aesthetic plastic surgeries.

For your safety and health research in the trajectory of the surgeon, testimonies from his patients, certification of establishments and the quality of products and prostheses to use, since it is possible that these do not have been approved officially by the INVIMA. As a expert on the subject, I advise my patients to carry out this process of recognition so that they have full confidence in the work of a board certified plastic surgeon.

Make sure to:

• Check that the plastic surgeon as poosible is a member of the Colombian society of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

• Notice that who perform the surgical procedure must be a specialist in plastic surgery.

• Make sure the clinic or provider institution of services of health-IPS - chosen is appropriate to carry out the intervention and that has beeen authorised by the branch secretariat of health and Social protection of their Department.

• Doubt about rates or excessive economic plans. Sometimes, to reduce costs, will obviate essential requirements such as medical experience or the quality of the materials and clinics.

• Do not allow that any type of surgical procedure is performed in a doctor's office, more beautiful that looks like. Remember that it is invasive procedures and that for your safety always they must be performed in an operating room of an institution authorized by the competent authorities.

1113 Hits

Recovery after perform a Tummy Tuck

Recovery after perform a Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects unsightly deformities of the abdominal wall, caused by changes in weight, pregnancies, previous surgeries, etc. in the intervention removes excess skin and fat accumulated, as well as repair of abdominal wall muscle to give firmness.

How it is the postoperative period?

After the intervention is indispensable to put a Strip during 24 hours a day for about three weeks, and one week more, only at night. Is normal that during the postoperative period may feel tension or abdominal tightness, necessary to adopts a semi-setting posture for sleeping during the first week.

You may feed yourself according to the diet I recommend foods in small amounts to avoid tension in the abdomen and reduce the intake of foods that can cause gas. You can take short walks in the early days, however you have to wait a month to start a daily exercise routine.

1128 Hits

Myths and realities about liposuction

Myths and realities about liposuction

Liposuction is a technique that allows you to shape the silhouette of the body through the removal of adipose tissue (FAT). This procedure is one of the most sought after by my patients and still believes in myths about the surgical procedure:

Myth: liposuction will make me lose weight

Reality: false

Liposuction is a method of body contouring, not a treatment for obesity. Key figure and combats fat deposits, but not good for weight loss. After performing a Liposuction patient must take care of body with balanced diet and physical exercise.

Myth: liposuction remove cellulite

Reality: false

Liposuction does not remove all cellulite, however, can improve the appearance of the skin to give shape to the area.

Myth: the results will be visible from one day to another

Reality: false after a liposuction must be massage and use a special girdle for firming the skin, so you can see the results months after the procedure.

Myth: The surgery will last forever

Reality: true with a healthy diet and regular exercise, liposuction results could be permanent; if patient don't comply with the recommendations will be to accumulate fat in the sites where it was withdrawal.

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