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How do I know if I need a tummy tuck?

How do I know if I need a tummy tuck?

If you've tried everything to get rid off the fat you have in your abdomen and still nothing works, is time you consider Abdominoplasty, which is based in removing adipose tissue and excess skin from the abdomen, stretching muscles to show off a flat belly. If needless you skin in the abdomen or have enough accumulated under your navel or waistline fat, this surgery is ideal for you.

With my assessment I would evaluate if you require a full Tummy Tuck, in which I remove the skin of the abdomen to the height of the bikini line and around the navel. I remove the fat and skin attached to the muscles to anti-graffiti. Finally, stretches the skin down and I remove the excess skin.

On the other hand, I can recommend a partial tummy tuck (mini Abdominoplasty), in which the incision is smaller than having low accumulated fat below your belly button. It is an excellent solution for those who fail to reduce the size of your abdomen.

This surgical procedure is an excellent solution for men and women who have lowered quite a few pounds and have excess skin, or for women who have had multiple pregnancies and fail to recover the firmness of her abdomen.

However, the Abdominoplasty is not recommended for everyone, there are risks that should be discussed in the evaluation You should avoid this surgery:

  1. You have diabetes
  2.  Diseases of heart, liver, or lungs
  3.  Poor circulation
  4.  Problem of circulation
  5.  If you are planning to lose more weight, or have children.
1179 Hits

Cirugía plástica no apta para menores

Cirugía plástica no apta para menores

Hace unos pocos días la plenaria de la Cámara de Representantes aprobó la ley que prohíbe las cirugías plásticas a menores de edad, entre las cuales se encuentra el aumento de senos y glúteos, liposucciones, botox, entre otros.

Sin embargo, la norma exceptúa la norma para cirugías reconstructivas, de nariz, orejas y las que atenten con el desarrollo de la personalidad del menor.

Esta ley es una voz de alerta para los padres, quienes desde casa deben inculcar en los niños el respeto a su cuerpo y no atentar contra él, pensando en una intervención quirúrgica tan jóvenes, los cuales no tienen el desarrollada su personalidad para tomar una decisión como esta.

Como parte de mi ética médica asesoraré dichos casos para que los menores al recibir una respuesta negativa ante sus peticiones no recurran a centros estéticos no autorizados, los llamados clínica de garaje. Ante cualquier consideración que tenga una persona antes de una Cirugía Plástica, están primero la salud y la vida.

"Consulte siempre con profesionales idóneos, calificados, con conocimiento, con experiencia y títulos expedidos por Instituciones de Educación Superior debidamente reconocidas por el Gobierno Nacional, especialistas con calidad, ética y responsabilidad ,características estas con las que cuentan los cirujanos plásticos de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugía Plástica Estética y Reconstructiva - SCCP - , que son más de 700, miembros de la entidad médico científica en el País y aparecen registrados en"

2755 Hits

Do you already know about the abdominal marking?

Do you already know about the abdominal marking?

The technological evolution of plastic surgery has been reflected in body contouring procedures including effective and powerful abdominal, technical marking is for women and men who want to define their muscles.

Most of time to undergo a liposuction or liposculpture, patients want to make their bellies look marked, for this reason, technical employment special to highlight and create muscle relief.

Am I candidate for this surgery?
The best candidates are those patients who have normal weight with slight fat deposits in the abdominal area, to recreate a natural, solid appearance.

The result can be seen three or four weeks of completion of the procedure, and gradually swelling disappears. It is necessary to use the Strip to create greater adherence and firmness to the skin.

1125 Hits

Watch out! Be alert to misleading advertising of plastic surgery

Watch out! Be alert to misleading advertising of plastic surgery

Plastic surgery online misleading advertising is on the rise. Although the majority of professionals already use this medium as an alternative to advertising, some of These promotions or clinics are a farce.

Some type of advertising they offer fast, painless and economical treatment; unfortunately these promises come thousands of people to be an accessible and immediate way and to see this great offer ends rely on "assurances" that it offers them this advertising.

This type of advertising generated false expectations in people, creating unrealistic expectations about the results of these interventions. For this reason be alert and do not let convince your self for offers or discounts these people put as attractions.

1.Doubt if they are offering simple non-invasive treatments promising drastic changes in few days .
2.Those promotions "generous" are misleading commercials
3.Offer two treatments in one or "super combos", are false offerings that just want to attract your interest.
4.Ad is no guarantee sustain quality in procedures that offer, try to qualify the professionalism and experience knowing the background of plastic surgeon.

For this reason, when choosing a plastic surgeon is important to know :
-Graduate and board certification
-Personal recommendations
- Experience
- Cost
-Photos and the testimony of their patients
-Excellent installations
-Anesthesiologist and pre-anesthesia consultation

"Always consult with qualified, skilled professionals, with knowledge, experience and diplomas awarded by higher education institutions duly recognized by the national Government, specialists with quality , ethics and accountability, these characteristics that have plastic surgeons of the Colombian society of plastic and reconstructive surgery - SCCP -, which are more than 700 members of the entity medical scientist in the country and are registered in"

1073 Hits

Key questions about surgical products

Key questions about surgical products

It is always a success that my patients expose all their questions and more about the characteristics of the products to be used for the surgical procedure. The concerns of my patients are keys to successful results and reduce risks.

Quality and safety is my mainstay for any surgery I perform, thus are non-surgical procedures. I offer to my patients with quality manufacturers warranty products.

For you have clarity on the details of your plastic surgery I advise you ask me these questions to solve your doubts.

1. What brands do you use and why?: for breast implants, do they have the certification that manufacturers and their processes comply with quality standards and permits from health authorities.

2. How long last the surgical product?

3. How has fared it with other patients?

4. Would the product is approved by health authorities for marketing?

1038 Hits
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