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Ideal candidates for a mastopexy

Ideal candidates for a mastopexy

Mastopexy is a breast lift procedure in order to reshape the breast structure when their appearance has changed due to pregnancy, lactation, body weight changes or aging.

An ideal candidate for this surgery has the following characteristics:

-They must have optimal health; this means having healthy weight and not being pregnant or think to be during the following months.
-No smoking.
-That they perceive their breasts are sagging or lost their shape and volume.
-Her breasts are pendulous.
-That nipples point downward.
-Which have fallen breast or one more than the other.
-Which have hanging skin and elongated areolas.
-The desire of being operated has to be own.

Remember not to keep any questions to yourself in the consultation. I am able to answer any questions and support you throughout the process.

1034 Hits

Procedures to achieve face's harmony

Procedures to achieve face's harmony

There are surgeries for the face with specialized techniques seeking to rejuvenate and give harmony. Each procedure focuses on an area and provides specific benefits and are indicated according to the wishes of each patient.

The rhytidectomy or facelift removes the excess of skin and wrinkles on the face, like the underlying tissues; seeks to restore the natural balance and harmony to the face giving youth and freshness.

Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery that seeks to correct the evidence of the stigmas of age and appearance of exhaustion look.

Otoplasty intervenes the ears. Sculpt and artistically correct birth defects or damage from trauma as pinning ears, "Dumbo" ears, mystical ears (elongated lobe), and injuries caused by earrings, accident, among others.

By the Mentoplastia it is possible to increase or reduce chin. Depending on the case, there are used bone grafts from the same patient or implants of alloplastic materials, achieving a harmonious chin for facial profile are used.

Cosmetic surgery lip is called Cheiloplasty and is to adjust with aesthetic harmony the volume according to the characteristics of the rest of the face. There are several ways to give beauty and youth to lips, combining in some cases with the injection of special substances plus the surgical procedure, achieving certain aesthetic according to the taste and needs of the patient.

The browlift is a fast procedure which leaves minimal scars, strategically hidden and almost imperceptible, harmonizing the correct position of each arch of the eyebrows. This procedure often accompanies any treatment related to his face.

1103 Hits

Excercise after an abdominoplasty

Excercise after  an abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is a procedure where muscle tissues are modified for better modeling waist. It is indicated in patients with excess abdominal fat and sagging skin, commonly in women who have given birth, pregnancy stretches a lot of skin and abdominal muscles; likewise in men and women for their genectic condition or a non balanced diet have accumulated excess fat in this region.

It is not appropriate for patients to perform physical activity during the first few weeks, since it can cause a lot of discomfort and pain; however, it is important that small walks are done using appropriate footwear without heels.

During two consecutive weeks of operation, do not recommend other exercises or sports because the abdomen contracts to bend or hold the trunk. We must be cautious and let the body heal and rhythm depends on the patient.

After a month and a half, approximately, you can gradually resume exercise as there has been a period of inactivity. I recommend to wear elastic garments for added support and comfort in use.

I suggest stretching exercises, Pilates or Yoga under the supervision of a monitor, so you can help restore muscle elasticity.

1104 Hits

Rhinoplasty and its benefits

Rhinoplasty and its benefits

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is a surgical procedure in which nose’s size is decreased or increased, the shape is modified and some disorders that obstruct the passage of air through it are corrected.

It has aesthetic and functional benefits: people who are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose can get a better balance and harmony to their facial features, but can also perceive a significant impact on functionality.

improving the appearance is one of the most common reasons that patients attend a rhinoplasty. Often they feel that the size or shape does not harmonize with the rest of their facial features and seek advice to find the balance to their faces.

When the shape of the nose is altered, attention can be diverted to other areas of the face, highlighting another feature that was being overshadowed and finding harmony.

On the other hand, for functionality, rhinoplasty can provide solutions to health problems, correcting any structural abnormality and improving the ability of a patient's breathing. In addition, through this procedure we can correct some birth defects, such as a deviated septum that affects normal breathing.

1248 Hits

Difference between Peeling and antiaging therapy or platelet rich plasma

Difference between Peeling and antiaging therapy or platelet rich plasma

Peeling and antiaging or Plasma Therapy Platelet rich are procedures that are performed to rejuvenate the skin. The differences between them are the following:

The Peeling is a classic dermatologic therapy for the treatment of wrinkles, blemishes, some scars and brown facial rejuvenation.

Basically it seeks to create an exfoliation of the skin. This can be accomplished by chemical means (creams, gels, pastes, solutions), physical as laser and cryotherapy and mechanical as dermabrasion with various abrasives (sandpaper, steel, diamond, crystals).

Peeling is one of the basic methods in any process of facial rejuvenation and the treatment of active acne and acne scars.

On the other hand, cell therapy antiaging or Platelet Rich Plasma is one of the newest procedures and it does not use any mediciation, it is not synthesized from natural or artificial products, but harvesting and implements patient's own cells responsible for cell regeneration in the right place and in an impossible amount that the body alone able to produce, the benefity is a progress rejvenate and nutrition for your skin.

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