Mastopexy and breast reduction

Mastopexy and breast reduction

Mastopexy and breast reduction are surgical procedures indicated for women who want to change the appearance of their breasts with special conditions. The first surgery is used to correct drooping breasts while the second corrects and reduces the size of the mammary gland.

The amount of breast tissue changes due to factors such as changes in weight, pregnancy and hormonal changes which causes the ligaments and the pipeline system in the breast stretch and cause the decline. This condition is called ptosis, a fall resulting from breast tissues yield to the force of gravity. When there is only this background, mastopexy is a very viable option, because it is about to do the reposition of the nipple and areola higher on the chest.

But as well as this condition is added hypertrophy, which are very large, heavy and non-harmonic breasts with respect to the proportions of the body, which sometimes cause pain on the back , a breast reduction, i recommend a breast reduction and lift the amount of breast tissue and the position of the nipple and areola.

In any case, it is advisable that you express all your expectations so i can give you a correct assessment .

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Before and after a breast augmentation

Before and after a breast augmentation

Before practicing this surgery, medical records of patient should be evaluated in order to avoid risks. In addition, when preliminary assessment is set, the patient should express their expectations in order to respond to them and give the best options, alternatives, limitations, and care suggestions they sholud have. It is very important that the patient talk as honestly as possible about their habits and consumption for successful surgery.

Once the surgery is performed, it is normal patient feels tired and kind of painful which is controlled by medication I prescribe; however the third day, it is quite possible that he or she can return to their regular activities.

It is essential that the patient be committed to her or his recovery and uses 24 hours a day a post surgical bra for one month followed.

I do not recommend use of pools to avoid infection; after 10 days from the procedure, I remove incision stitches and suggest getting back exercising 3 to 4 weeks past. The patient may experience low sensibility or tingling in the breasts but past few weeks, this feeling goes plummeting.

Finally, I suggest annual mammograms control which are practiced in a radiology center expert in reading projections taken for breasts with implants.

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Which procedure do you need to improve your breast?

Which procedure do you need to improve your breast?

According to each case, I recommend the breast augmentation or breast lift according to your needs. This is why it is so important to know about each surgery and whether it is appropriate for your specific case.

Let's see what is about each procedure and what are its benefits, when it comes to transform your look:

breast augmentation enhances the size, structure and the shape of the breasts, thanks to the use of breast implans that could be filled with saline or silicone implants. This is an ideal surgery for women who are looking for:

-Increase the volume of the chest

-Restore natural breast size, lost after the pregnancy, by reducing weight or aging.

-Achieve symmetry of the breasts when there are differences between the size of each or in some cases correct to tubelar breasts appereance.

-Reduce the distance between the breasts.

-Find a more proportionate body silhouette

Breast lift, handles mainly eliminate excess of skin in the breasts, which in many cases makes them look very flabby and sagging. The majority of women who have gone through a pregnancy, weight loss, breast feeding or the natural aging process opt for this surgery, since it enhances the bust and removes skin that surplus.

Some patients, opt for combining breast augmentation and brest lift, for best results, but depends on the circumstances of each patient.

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