BMI and liposuction

BMI and liposuction

One of the most common procedures is liposuction. This is a surgery that seeks to shape the body by extracting fatty tissues from specific areas, but is not indicated for weight loss, such as bariatric surgery.

The BMI or body mass index compares a person's weight and height to have an idea of ​​how healthy their body is. To calculate your BMI simply divide your weight in kilograms between the squared measurment of your height in meters. (Kg / m * m)

As stated, the normal range of BMI is between 18.50 and 29.99. A higher result is associated with the risk of suffering from certain cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes and strokes.

That is why a liposuction is only done if a person has a BMI below 35. If someone is above this value, it is better to lose weight, get in shape and then it is determined whether or not it is safe to perform the surgery. This is done in order to obtain visible results and not affect the patient's health.

If you have any questions, you can contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1270 Hits

Lipolaser: a body definition technique

Lipolaser: a body definition technique

Liposuction has been one of the most acclaimed procedures due to its results and the improvement of the obvious appearance.

Due to the technological advances, the lipolaser has been proclaimed as one of the most requested techniques of the last times Why? It is a high precision procedure that, unlike liposuction that is based on destroying fat for your aspiration, but liquefies the fat by direct contact with the laser allowing the aspiration much easier.

However, this technique is indicated for small amounts of adipose tissue and reach the sites where the conventional liposuction instrument would not reach.

In this way, the results obtained are much more firm, body definition, reduction of cellulite, attenuation of flaccidity and with a minor trauma since it is minimally invasive.

As any surgical procedure requires postoperative care by the patient that influence the final results of the operation.

1434 Hits

What kind of care should be taken to keep the results of liposuction?

What kind of care should be taken to keep the results of liposuction?

Although the final results of liposculpture take some time to be due at time of final recovery of the body, if you are thinking to perform a procedure of this type is very important that you need to change your nutritional habits to take care of your new shapes and cganges on tyour body after having surgery.

Removing fat from localized areas by lipo aspiration is a very popular and fast process in order to achieve excellent results as a lean body, lose weight and reduce size.

To take care for these new measures after a liposculpture you must change your habits: a meal plan balanced that does not necessarily have to be slavish, but healthy and consistent exercise routine, not only to maintain the results, but keep your body with a good health, give strength to body and vitality.

I recommend that you avoid overly processed foods because they contain compounds that are not healthy for your health. Consume lean protein like turkey, chicken and fish; in your diet includes whole grains like brown rice and oats, leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts. With respect to the fat, you can opt for a healthy as olive oil , coconut oil, avocado.

I recommend that you obtain a nutritionally assessment for you to take control of your eating behavior and you begin to understand healthy habits to keep the results of your liposuction.

1161 Hits

Types of techniques for liposculpture

Types of techniques for liposculpture

Liposuction is a procedure used to shape the body. It involves removing fat and put it where remaining to give harmony to the body. For these purposes, there are three techniques to do it: the conventional method, ultrasonic assisted liposuction or laser assisted liposuction.

Ultrasonic liposuction or HD

Ultrasonic liposuction, or UAL (acronym for "ultrasonic assisted liposuction"), is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to liquefy fat from a specific part before disposal.

Advantage: Tightens the skin during the process, which makes it an excellent alternative option of a person aimed remove excess loose skin.

Laser liposculpture

Laser-assisted lipolysis performs the dissolution of unwanted fatty tissue using laser energy.
Having previously liquefied fat by laser action, is it continued to lipo conventionally using smaller cannulas.

Advantages: collagen regeneration in areas such as sagging arms and inner thighs, since the laser allows the stretching of the skin, remodeling and shaping these areas. This technique is ideal for patients with grade 2 or 3 cellulite, as it improves the appearance of orange peel and patients who have already been surgically intervened.

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