Definition And Objectives
When skin of the inner thighs is loose, liposuction alone is not enough and restoring skin tension is necessary. The surgeon then performs a thigh lift.
Such a procedure is indicated in the presence of a net release of skin due to ageing or significant weight loss or for the correction of certain defects left after liposuction of the inner thighs.
Procedure And Scars
The procedure begins with liposuction that allows fat removal and the undermining of tissues without lymphatic damage. The excess of skin is then removed and the skin is deeply suspended (at the underlying subaponeurotic level).
The procedure leaves:
- A horizontal scar, placed underneath the underwear: it is the concentric lifting of inner thigh indicated in cases of moderate skin excess, as it only acts on the upper thigh.
- A T-shaped scar: a vertical scar is added to the horizontal scar along the entire inner thigh: this technique is effective over the entire thigh but the scar is visible. It is primarily indicated after a massive weight loss resulting in redundant skin excess.