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Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck

Do you have excess of skin, fat or sagging in the abdomen and do not know what surgery do you need in order to improve the appearance of this area?

The tummy tuck also known as abdominoplasty or lipectomy which is indicated to strengthen, tone and eliminate excess of tissue from the abdominal area, returning the slender figure and toned you may have had and that for some natural reasons no longer have .

For example, women who have been pregnant, the muscles of her abdomen usually separated from the center line, creating the image of sagging. Another case may be those who have lost weight and have excess of skin on their abdomen, although they have treated with exercise have goten de expected result, this surgery could offer them the results they expect.

candidates for this surgery are people who are in good health condition that present excess of skin in the abdominal area and had weakness of their abdominal wall , the muscles are surgical tighten given a better apperance to tummy and waist.

1251 Hits

Fibrosis Why it appears and how is it treat ?

Why it appears and how is it treat ?

The procedure of liposuction or liposculpture involves removing localized fat in specific areas. Generally, it is common that fibrosis appears in sections near where the incisions were made for the cannula.

The fibrosis can be formed because it is possible that the nonvascularized fat accumulate and degenerates. It also appears when liquid is accumulated and this becomes. Another case of occurrence of fibrosis is when there are degenerative changes in tunnels or areas where the cannulas were passaged as stuffing was fat and scar tissue concerned.

Prescription MLD is not fortuitous. This is a treatment that reduces bruising , prevents fluid accumulation and formation of fibrosis.

Currently, I use LASER technology during liposuction: Tumescent laser, enabling the production of collagen in areas affected by fibrosis and helps tighten the skin, giving more precision to the desired contour.

If you have questions or concerns you can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , we will be glad to clear your doubts!

1233 Hits

Prevents wrinkling

Prevents wrinkling

No need to stop enjoying the best moments of your life for fear that smile intensify age marks on your face. So I giving you some tips to prevent wrinkles.

1. Avoid and / or protect your skin from the sun. ( use sun block every day 2 or 3 times at day.
2. Avoid smoking. It is proven that smoking breaks down collagen and elastin in the skin, so skin becomes loose and flabby, which makes it tends to wrinkle.
3. Try to sleep on your back so sleep's marks do not become wrinkles over time.
4.The facial massages help remove dead skin cells, reduce swelling, increase blood flow and eliminate toxins.
5. Moisturize your skin at night. A cream with retinol facilitate the removal of dead skin and help promote collagen production, maintaining freshness and youth face.
6. Doing plasma every six months will help you regenerate skin and give you a young and shine look.

1139 Hits

What is lipolaser?

What is lipolaser?

Traditional liposuction evolves and gives way to laser liposculpture, becoming one of the techniques used in this figure to give my patients want their bodies without suffering many traumas.

This cosmetic surgery involves the removal of accumulated fat in any area of ​​the body with the help of a laser device. This destroys fat cells and fibrosis (fibroblasts) in cases that present, and stimulates collagen formation in the dermis. Its benefits include: The fastest post surgical recovery, stimulation of cutaneous contracccón and the possibility of treating patients with fibrosis.

The technique in Laser Lipolysis is a lioescultutra LASER transducer at the tip of the cannula that emits a beam of laser light, which has the effects described above.

It can be performed in any body area where required.

1206 Hits

Why travel to perform a plastic surgery?

Why travel to perform a plastic surgery?

To contemplate the possibility of travelling to Colombia, especially Cali,to perform a plastic surgery,you have the opportunity to gain access to a city where you can find professionals with high level of training and experience which positions the city as one of the places most suitable in the world to be ester type of procedures, given the high level of security and satisfaction. 

When you go to travel be aware of recovery time to plan your trip :
- For not very extensive surgery such as _ Rhinoplasty or a breast augmentation, I recommend to stay about 12 days
- For more extensive surgeries and/or combined: liposuction Tummy Tuck, minimum should stay in the city 21 days at least.

Also is important to keep in mind that it is not safe to performed surgical procedures in the first 24 hours of the arrival to the city, after a 3 hours trip regardless of the means of transport, this can lead to serious complications!

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