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Why to wear a post surgical garment after a body surgical procedure

Why to wear a post surgical garment after a body surgical procedure

The use is prescribed after a body plastic surgery because it has advantages and benefits, especially in the postoperative process and its use depends on the progress and recovery of patients as well as the instructions mentioned in the consultations and controls.

Among the benefits of using this type of garments are:

- By exerting a uniform pressure over the treated area it reduces the risk of irregularities in the surface of the skin, such as ripples and bumps.
- Another benefit it provides is getting the skin and hold it in place, as it loses elasticity and after any plastic surgery that involves removing fat under the skin can leave in result a loose skin.
- Compression in the surgical area minimizes movement of tissues involved in surgery.
- Allow the incisions remain protected and clean in the early stages of healing. Thus, the risk of infection is reduced.
-Allows patients remain comfortable and prevents making physical efforts.
- Helps to reduce bruising and swelling, due to compression optimizes blood circulation and reduces fluid retention.

1108 Hits

Say goodbye to your sagging arms

Say goodbye to your sagging arms

If excess skin is not too much, you can practice a minilifting of arms: it consists of a smaller incision made in the armpit and is less visible.

For whom it is?
It is basically a female surgery, but there are also men who perform it. If the patient also has excess fat in the arms, the surgeon may choose to combine with liposuction and brachioplasty best results will be achieved.

aesthetic and functional benefits
The brachioplasty of arms can provide not only aesthetic, but also functional benefits. In excess sagging skin folds that may be susceptible to rashes and irritation, besides being uncomfortable and unsightly form.

1213 Hits

What are Facial Fillers with hyaluronic acid?

What are Facial Fillers with hyaluronic acid?

Fillers are used to perform a technique known as BIOPLASTY and is used to correct depressions, wrinkles, asymmetries and lack of tisues in the face and / or body. In general the fillers are very noble in their application, however you haver to evaluate very carefully what the patient wants as well as the type of face, problem to correct, personal activities work, etc. There are many types of fillers and forms of application are different depending on the patient.

Now, the fillers could be repeatedly tweaked in some patients to achieve the desired result.

The BIOPLASTY is today a great tool to improve the appearance of people as long as you succeed with the best fill possible for the problem of the individual patient.

1125 Hits

Plastic surgery and pregnancy

Plastic surgery and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very beautiful stage that women experience and their bodies experience many changes. Weight gain and change in the elasticity of your skin is one of the most obvious and remaining backlogs once birth giving.

In the abdomen it is very normal to see stretch marks, sagging skin , abdominal , hernias in the navel and accumulation of fat in specific area. By the other hand, the breasts often lose their firmness and skin begins to overrun.

Recommended for these candidates, surgeries generally are:
-Breast augmentation

If you have any questions, you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

1277 Hits

Subtle aesthetic changes in face

Subtle aesthetic changes in face

Today I want to emphasize about the subtle aesthetic changes that are also possible thanks to plastic surgerie procedures. Sometimes it is not necessary to perform a very extensive or painful surgeries to achieve excellent results.

Some of these procedures are:

Chieloplasty or lip surgery.
To correct certain imperfections that patient can present that makes have gestures that do not express what we are thinking or feeling, for example, curved downward on the lips.

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.
Sometimes, time does not pass through our bodies without consequences. So this surgery seeks to rejuvenate the look, rearranging the excess skin and fat that is around the eyes causing puffiness, dark circles, wrinkles, looks tired or puffy eyes.

With a few small changes in the features, in this case eyes and lips, it is possible to achieve excellent results.

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