Prevents wrinkling

No need to stop enjoying the best moments of your life for fear that smile intensify age marks on your face. So I giving you some tips to prevent wrinkles.

1. Avoid and / or protect your skin from the sun. ( use sun block every day 2 or 3 times at day.
2. Avoid smoking. It is proven that smoking breaks down collagen and elastin in the skin, so skin becomes loose and flabby, which makes it tends to wrinkle.
3. Try to sleep on your back so sleep's marks do not become wrinkles over time.
4.The facial massages help remove dead skin cells, reduce swelling, increase blood flow and eliminate toxins.
5. Moisturize your skin at night. A cream with retinol facilitate the removal of dead skin and help promote collagen production, maintaining freshness and youth face.
6. Doing plasma every six months will help you regenerate skin and give you a young and shine look.

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