Fibrosis Why it appears and how is it treat ?

Why it appears and how is it treat ?

The procedure of liposuction or liposculpture involves removing localized fat in specific areas. Generally, it is common that fibrosis appears in sections near where the incisions were made for the cannula.

The fibrosis can be formed because it is possible that the nonvascularized fat accumulate and degenerates. It also appears when liquid is accumulated and this becomes. Another case of occurrence of fibrosis is when there are degenerative changes in tunnels or areas where the cannulas were passaged as stuffing was fat and scar tissue concerned.

Prescription MLD is not fortuitous. This is a treatment that reduces bruising , prevents fluid accumulation and formation of fibrosis.

Currently, I use LASER technology during liposuction: Tumescent laser, enabling the production of collagen in areas affected by fibrosis and helps tighten the skin, giving more precision to the desired contour.

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