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Platelet-rich plasma, non-surgical antiwrinkle treatment

Platelet-rich plasma, non-surgical antiwrinkle treatment

This treatment improves the appearance of the skin because, when the platelets are applied, the organism activates, stimulating the cellular reproduction known as Mitosis, increasing the vascularization of the treated area and favoring the production of new tissue. In this way, the treatment helps to restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

It is an outpatient treatment. Plasma is obtained after subjecting a blood sample to a plasma activation process. When the sample is ready, it is applied with multipunctions, in the form of mesotherapy. It should be clarified that it does not carry risks of allergies or reactions of incompatibility, since it is an autologous procedure, that is, that blood is extracted from the patient.

On the other hand, the number of sessions depends on each patient and is determined in the appointment of the assessment. For a slightly affected skin I recommend between 2 and 3 sessions, in an interval of 21 days between each session.

It is important that my patients remember that after this and other treatments the use of sunscreen before is primordial in order to reduce the negative effects produced by exposure to UV rays.

927 Hits

Is it advisable to exercise after a breast augmentation surgery?

Is it advisable to exercise after a breast augmentation surgery?

It´s common for some patients to ask me how long they should wait before start exercising after a breast augmentation procedure.

Taking into account that the recovery period for this kind of procedure varies according to the lifestyle of the patient and the conditions of discipline with which it is carried out, it’s always advisable a rest of not less than 30 days, time in which small walks, with little intensity, can be realized.

It’s necessary to strictly follow the resting measures and avoid certain activities. During the first two weeks it is preferable not to make wide or rapid movements with the arms, nor movements that require a lot of force. After this period, during the next two weeks, the patient can resume normal activities, such as driving or lifting moderate weights, and resume physical activity gradually, seeking exercises that do not compromise the pectoral muscles and, importantly, using a good bra for sports.

After about 40 days, it can be said that the person practically regains to his or her normal life. Remember that this depends on the type of procedure that has been performed. It is necessary that they know that, in regard to muscle development exercises, when the prosthesis is inserted in the subglandular position does not represent any type of risk after this period.

But, when the implant is inserted in a subpectoral position, the exercises of muscle building in this area are not recommended in a prolonged way. It is for this reason that the patient should be very clear about the type of sports activities that he or she wants to perform.

1028 Hits

What should you do after your plastic surgery?

What should you do after your plastic surgery?

A plastic surgery is an invasive procedure that drastically modifies elements of your body and that is why you must have a calm recovery and following my recommendations. This means that some of your daily activities are affected and you should postpone them until you can resume them. All these care should be worth it.

This is why past your plastic surgery is a time to change bad eating habits and physical activity. Choosing a healthy lifestyle, without falling into strict diets or starving yourself is the way to have a healthy life and keep the results you got from your surgical procedure.

My recommendations for after surgery are as follows:

* Follow my recommendations for postoperative and maintenance of your results. Wear compression garments during the time i recommend , perform lymphatic drainage massages on the amount I prescribed and attend to ther post surgical controls.

* Consider good nutrition. Good nutrition is not only to be taken into account during the postoperative period. As I mentioned earlier, if you feel yourself well, the results you wish from your surgery will persist over time.

* Perform exercise routines when you get the okay. Remember that the body gradually increases its resistance and that if you do not have patient and are dedicated, you can endanger your health.

If you have any concerns, remember that you can write me to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

1044 Hits

Blepharoplasty, a touch of youth for your eyes

Blepharoplasty, a touch of youth for your eyes

There is a very common phrase that says: "the eyes are the windows of your soul". Perhaps, this phrase may be debatable, but that our eyes can say many things about us, is not so far from reality. Through them, we can send signals of our state of mind or feelings. Whether we are happy or sad can be conveyed in a look.

From the physical, you can also see signs. Fallen upper eyelids and bags on the lower eyelids are some details that make us look older or look more tired than we really are.

But that is solved through a simple surgery called blepharoplasty in which fat is removed as well as the excess of skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids.

I remind you that there are some medical conditions may represent risks when performing a blepharoplasty, among them are thyroid problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular ailments. In addition, in some cases, an ophthalmological examination prior to surgery becomes necessary. For this reason, it is necessary, in all cases, to schedule an appointment, which allows assessing the conditions under which the intervention will take place.

It should be noted that this procedure does not eliminate so-called "crow's feet" or other expression lines in the area.

If you have any inqueries, remember that you can text me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

996 Hits

Application of Botulinum Toxin or BOTOX

Application of Botulinum Toxin or BOTOX

Botulinum Toxin is a protein that has the ability to weaken the muscles where it is applied. This relaxation of the muscles causes that they do not have the strength enough to contract and in this way does not generate the lines of expression in the places where it is applied during the duration of the effect of the medicine, that can be of four to six months.

The only real and effective treatment to counteract wrinkles is the application of Botulinum toxin. Fast application (approximately 10 minutes), without much pain, without bruising and with visible results within three to five days after application.¿How does Botulinum Toxin works?

Botox is applied directly in the muscle responsible for the formation expression lines or wrinkles, causing temporary relaxation and giving the face a more rested and rejuvenated appearance.

After application, if it is applied in the corrected way , facial expression has a more relaxed look, in no way gives an aspect of mask. The results are completely natural.
Botox should be applied by a facial plastic surgeon, since he knows the muscles and their movements and their nerve endings. He has the ability to identify where the botox is without the risk of affecting other muscles, nerve endings and movement.

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