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Plan your plastic surgery with time

Plan your plastic surgery with time

For me It is an honor to be entrusted with the procedures you would like to have done, and the results you wish to obtain. So one of the recommendations I can give you is to plan very well what should be done for the procedures you chose to perform and more if they are invasive, such as mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, liposuction or lipectomy, to name a few.

The first thing to do is to prepare a list and update it, this will help you to have more details of what you need. As a surgeon, I propose an estimated times for you to take into account when preparing for your surgery.

Facial rejuvenation: plan this procedure at least six months in advance, before an important occasion so that the swelling has gone away completely.

Rhinoplasty: when you are planning this surgery two months in advance, it is safe that you will not have traces of inflammation.

Breast augmentation: most of time the breast augmentation recovery is usually quick response to my recommendations. It is best to plan the surgery a month before an expected event.

Liposuction: recovery time varies according to the rendered fat, or according to each patient, some may need between ten to fourteen days without efforts. For this reason, plan your months before surgery to have a good postoperative without any risk.

Tummy Tuck: to showcase a harmonious silhouette on your vacation, plan your surgery three months earlier to give time to your recovery and you can go walk without any problem.

This clarification about recovery time will help you to organize your life to preserve your health while remaining perfect and achieve the desired results.

1114 Hits

Plastic surgeries for men?

Plastic surgeries for men?

Plastic surgeries are not just for women. It is a worldwide trend that we men consult to express the discontent we have about our bodies or correct some condition. We also care about our physical appearance and our self-esteem. That's why I share the most popular aesthetic procedures for men.

Liposuction: is ideal for removing fat deposits that are difficult to eliminate with exercises and diets.

Gynecoplasty: Abnormal growth of the mammary gland can be corrected through this procedure. The results are ideal for having a normal-sized breast in proportion to the patient's physiognomy.

Increased pectorals: sometimes the workout routine and weight training is not enough for the pectoral muscles to develop as desired. In these cases, silicone breast implants are an excellent option to achieve the appearance you want. These implants are used taking into account the height, weight and size of the chest to maintain harmony.

Blepharoplasty: The passage of time can leave a tired and sad look in the eyes, especially due to the eyelids. With this surgery and depending on each person, it is possible to correct the excess skin around the eyes, periorbital fat and muscular ptosis of the eyelid, rejuvenating the face.

1140 Hits

Tuberous breast's correction

Tuberous breast's correction

Plastic surgery often contributes to the correction of conditions that patients suffer and that make them feel uncomfortable. The tuberous breast is one of them.

The tuberous or tubular chest is characterized by the fact that the breasts look like a tube-shaped or cone-shaped instead of rounded, as is generally, apart from there being a lot of separation between the breasts. It can also be found that the areolas can be large, dilated and usually lack development in the inferior part and / or asymmetry.

Surgically this condition can be corrected generally with the following objectives: to replace the conical form of the breasts for a more rounded one, to give volume to the areas where they are necessary and to correct the aspect of the areola.

If you have any questions, you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1204 Hits

Thigh Lift Or Cruroplasty

Thigh Lift Or Cruroplasty

Definition And Objectives

When skin of the inner thighs is loose, liposuction alone is not enough and restoring skin tension is necessary. The surgeon then performs a thigh lift.
Such a procedure is indicated in the presence of a net release of skin due to ageing or significant weight loss or for the correction of certain defects left after liposuction of the inner thighs.
Procedure And Scars

The procedure begins with liposuction that allows fat removal and the undermining of tissues without lymphatic damage. The excess of skin is then removed and the skin is deeply suspended (at the underlying subaponeurotic level).

The procedure leaves:
A horizontal scar, placed underneath the underwear: it is the concentric lifting of inner thigh indicated in cases of moderate skin excess, as it only acts on the upper thigh.
A T-shaped scar: a vertical scar is added to the horizontal scar along the entire inner thigh: this technique is effective over the entire thigh but the scar is visible. It is primarily indicated after a massive weight loss resulting in redundant skin excess.

1330 Hits

We offer an excellent postoperative

We offer an excellent postoperative

By choosing to specialize as a plastic surgeon, I accepted the responsibility to accompany, advise and support my patients during surgery stages.

Be assured that I provide you all my experience, professionalism and safety not only from me but from my team. We are each and every one willing to resolve any concerns you may have and to help in case something unexpected arises.
Postoperatively is a fundamental recovery process. Therefore, we offer a comprehensive service for the best good for all our patients; this includes:
-Laboratory exams
Pre anesthetic -Valuation
-Health insurance
-Clothing Surgical post
Home -Nurse
-Lymphatic drainage

The professionals who are part of my team are highly qualified for your attention, committed to your welfare and safety. I directly am responsible for conducting medical assessments and after surgery controls, ensuring that every detail is taken into account so that you get the results you want.
Postsurgical therapy consists of lymphatic drainage, as I have explanied before , it is critical to the process. Our physiotherapists are fully trained to carry out proper therapy that contribute to your evolution.

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