Which procedure do you need to improve your breast?

Which procedure do you need to improve your breast?

According to each case, I recommend the breast augmentation or breast lift according to your needs. This is why it is so important to know about each surgery and whether it is appropriate for your specific case.

Let's see what is about each procedure and what are its benefits, when it comes to transform your look:

breast augmentation enhances the size, structure and the shape of the breasts, thanks to the use of breast implans that could be filled with saline or silicone implants. This is an ideal surgery for women who are looking for:

-Increase the volume of the chest

-Restore natural breast size, lost after the pregnancy, by reducing weight or aging.

-Achieve symmetry of the breasts when there are differences between the size of each or in some cases correct to tubelar breasts appereance.

-Reduce the distance between the breasts.

-Find a more proportionate body silhouette

Breast lift, handles mainly eliminate excess of skin in the breasts, which in many cases makes them look very flabby and sagging. The majority of women who have gone through a pregnancy, weight loss, breast feeding or the natural aging process opt for this surgery, since it enhances the bust and removes skin that surplus.

Some patients, opt for combining breast augmentation and brest lift, for best results, but depends on the circumstances of each patient.

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