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Tip of the week to maintain a beautiful skin

Tip of the week to maintain a beautiful skin

To make the skin of your face look healthy and hydrated, you must create habits every night to keep a bright and beautiful complexion:

  1. Remove the makeup in the area of your eyes, use around your eyelids and eyelashes olive oil.
  2. Use Exfoliating helps to regenerate skin by removing dead skin cells so they oxygenate the skin and to moisturize naturally.
  3. After cleaning the skin, use moisturizing creams depending on the type of skin, as well as drinking plenty of water during the day.
  4. Finally, try to sleep face up to avoid that, in another position, wrinkles and folds to form on your skin.
1158 Hits

Learn why liposuction is not for everyone

Learn why liposuction is not for everyone

To maintain the results of liposuction, it is very important to perform physical activity and lead a balanced nutrition regimen. However, there are those who consider that liposuction is the best way to have "a perfect body" without exercise or a healthy diet.

Is found that the effects of liposuction may be lost for several reasons; the human body is born with a certain number of fat cells, these cells do increase your size causing an effect called hypertrophy, in case that the person take a bad diet, suffers from a dysfunctional metabolism or sedentary.

Liposuction is not a procedure for weight loss, liposuction improves the abdominal contour by removing fatty deposits and after a surgery like this, in some cases it is possible to gain weight again.

So I recommend to my patients start to change eating habits and exercise constantly; many women dream of having the perfect body through surgery, but the reality is that although these procedures will help to improve your physical appearance, who is solely responsible for maintaining the results each patient, eating healthily and including physical activity, otherwise it is possible that the financial investment is lost.

1079 Hits

How not to be a victim an illegal surgery

How not to be a victim an illegal surgery

Latinoamerica is one of the leading continents in the plastic surgery market. But bad practices in this profession constantly increase the number of victims. Interventions of aesthetic character for some people who claim to be "professional" are conceived only as a business; It is for this reason that increasingly arise in the market "beauticians", "surgeons" or "clinical" claiming to be certified, when the only thing providing illegal services are. Some tips that I recommend to my patients and people who are interested in making a surgical or aesthetic procedures are:

  1. To identify an illegal plastic surgeon, the first step is that you have academic titles that support it and have the proper certification by a society of plastic surgery for your country or international.
  2. You must have clear plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are not the same; plastic surgeons have the power to perform surgical procedures invasive as liposculpture or liposuction, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, among others. Cosmetic surgeons are dedicated to performing procedures not simpler invasive as botox injection, collagen or hialouronico acid treatment with laser, among others.
  3. Beauty centers, beauty parlors, and "specialized" rooms are not operating. In many of these places are where performed cleanings, massages or treatments of this type, illegal procedures are conducted. For the safety and well-being of people's health, it is better to not run any risk and not to undergo procedures in facilities that do not comply with the sanitary conditions for its operation.
  4. According to Colombian law “only practise medicine and surgery: who have acquired title of physician and surgeon, issued by any of the faculties or colleges recognized by the State and that work or have worked legally in the country”
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Subtle procedures for a rejuvenated face

Subtle procedures for a rejuvenated face

Cosmetic procedures can work to make subtle changes that will make the person to feel much more comfortable with herself. Some of these procedures are:

• Eyelid Lift
Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery seeks to rejuvenate the look, rearranging the excess of skin and fat located around the eyes.
The incisions are usually made in the upper or lower eyelid folds. This procedure do not only corrects drooping eyelids, but also wrinkles, tired eyes, sagging lower lids and puffy eyes.
• Lips Recovery
Lips facing down in some people make their expression look sad or upset. To change this trait, injectable fillers are an option to intervene the depressor muscle of the angle of the mouth. Although the effects of the injections last only a few months, it can return the person a more friendly and cheerful gestures.

1068 Hits

What should you eat to maintain the results of liposuction?

What should you eat to maintain the results of liposuction?

Liposuction is the surgical procedure responsible for eliminating excess accumulated fat in areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks waist and face. One of the keys to weight maintenance after body surgery, is to control caloric intake through a well balanced diet that provides the necessary nutrients such as:

1. lean protein: salmon, white meat (chicken, fish, fresh water and Turkey).

2. whole grains: Brown rice and oatmeal.

3. plants of green leaves that provide different amounts of nutrients such as calcium, iron and fiber.

4. nuts: almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

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