How to prepare your body for a plastic surgery?

How to prepare your body for a plastic surgery?

The preparation of your body for a plastic surgery must initiate with minimum a month of anticipation, in order that your body will be healthy and in ideal conditions to the moment of the surgical intervention.

It is important that you keep in mind these tips that I have prepared for you. They will help to have a safe and quiet surgical procedure:

With a month in advance or more if you can, start to consume iron and vitamin C. These vitamin supplements will keep your body strong and your immune system in top condition. It is important that you avoid contact with people who have respiratory infections during that period.

Suspend for a minimum of one month the use of any other nutritional supplement and your hormonal method of family planning, such as pills and contraceptive injections. You can protect yourself from pregnancy by using barrier methods such as the condom or the diaphragm.

Avoid drinking liquor for at least 72 hours (3 days) before your surgery. The day of the surgery appear with non polish nail.

1219 Hits

Plan your plastic surgery with time

Plan your plastic surgery with time

For me It is an honor to be entrusted with the procedures you would like to have done, and the results you wish to obtain. So one of the recommendations I can give you is to plan very well what should be done for the procedures you chose to perform and more if they are invasive, such as mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, liposuction or lipectomy, to name a few.

The first thing to do is to prepare a list and update it, this will help you to have more details of what you need. As a surgeon, I propose an estimated times for you to take into account when preparing for your surgery.

Facial rejuvenation: plan this procedure at least six months in advance, before an important occasion so that the swelling has gone away completely.

Rhinoplasty: when you are planning this surgery two months in advance, it is safe that you will not have traces of inflammation.

Breast augmentation: most of time the breast augmentation recovery is usually quick response to my recommendations. It is best to plan the surgery a month before an expected event.

Liposuction: recovery time varies according to the rendered fat, or according to each patient, some may need between ten to fourteen days without efforts. For this reason, plan your months before surgery to have a good postoperative without any risk.

Tummy Tuck: to showcase a harmonious silhouette on your vacation, plan your surgery three months earlier to give time to your recovery and you can go walk without any problem.

This clarification about recovery time will help you to organize your life to preserve your health while remaining perfect and achieve the desired results.

1003 Hits

What should you eat to maintain the results of liposuction?

What should you eat to maintain the results of liposuction?

Liposuction is the surgical procedure responsible for eliminating excess accumulated fat in areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks waist and face. One of the keys to weight maintenance after body surgery, is to control caloric intake through a well balanced diet that provides the necessary nutrients such as:

1. lean protein: salmon, white meat (chicken, fish, fresh water and Turkey).

2. whole grains: Brown rice and oatmeal.

3. plants of green leaves that provide different amounts of nutrients such as calcium, iron and fiber.

4. nuts: almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

1001 Hits

Do you know wich are the enemies of a flat abdomen?

Do you know wich are the enemies of a flat abdomen?

For many of my patients is a little difficult to get used to maintain new eating habits so sometimes little by little becomes accumulate fat in the belly, one of the most complex areas to burn the fat. Do exercise every day without a care in consumed on a daily basis, it can be exhausting and little helpful. Since some foods lead to fat directly to the belly and hips contributing to sagging in these areas of the body. Some of those foods that cause belly fat storage are:

1. sugar: they have a high content of calories that are stored in body fat deposits. They may be harmful to the immune system and are the first that promote weight gain and the accumulation of fat in the belly.

2. White processed foods: white flour, rice and gluten, refined to have more attractive appearance have very few nutrients. These foods contain a high percentage of empty calories that can not be easily processed by the body.

3. red meats and sausages: one of the reasons why you should avoid to eat this type of food is that the body can not simultaneously processed meat and fat; in this way the body can not to burn fast enough, resulting in those chubby waist. It is recommended to consume meat light like chicken, fish and lean meat.

4. alcoholic beverages: alcohol has high amount of calories by excessive sugar content. Beverages like wine, rum, brandy and most cocktails are one of the keys in the emergence of abdominal fat. These beverages contribute to the deterioration of muscle tissue, giving way to fat gain, especially in that area of the body.

The care you have after having your surgery depends largely on maintaining the long-term results , recalls the plastic surgery is not magical and once you done it  you should be aware that in order to maintain the results of your surgery ,is really important to change your eating habits and exercise at least 45 minutes a day. Although it might be convenient for me as a surgeon have multiple times to a patient in the operating room, honestly i dont  recommend it, every surgery has risks and results after the first liposculpture can be quite different from those of a second, theres why you  should be careful and not abuse of surgeries. 

1080 Hits

4 types of biopolymers which must not be you never in your body

4 types of biopolymers which must not be you never in your body

Some patients fail to see the danger that run their lives by putting them in the hands of malicious unscrupulous people capable of wearing a white coat and become calling doctors, pretending to be specialists to gain the confidence of their victims enthusing them with a new image, but at what price?

A syringe filled with oil for aircraft, industrial silicone, oil, cooking and even cement among other illegal substances, have been injected into people by lack of information or money, taking the ""best opportunity"" without knowing that his life depends on it.

Here I tell you some of the biopolymers that must not be apply never in your body:

1 Biogel or silicone: injectable filler that is nothing more than high viscosity mineral oil or silicon oil. Injection with this type of substances generates encapsulation of consequences such as alterations in the immune system, deformities, infections, inflammation, discharge of pus or matter, respiratory failure, and the silicone embolism pulmonary and even death.

2 POLYACRYLIC glass (PMMA): substance mainly composed of acrylic and gel. Some people use it to correct wrinkles, increase buttocks, lifting of cheekbones and calf augmentation. When this substance is injected, it penetrates the muscle tissues and crystallizes producing fibrosis. The affected tissue reacts naturally trying to expel such a substance in the body which causes the crystals to move to other areas.

3 Hialucorp: this substance despite its registry Invima in Colombia, is one of the many that although he says contain hyaluronic acid, consists largely of silica; to inject into the body can generate harmful health effects, such as severe infections leaving sequelae of life or destruction of tissues.

4 Dimethyl polysiloxane or silicone: known as expandable cells, is nothing more than dilute silicone that by becoming solid favors information granulomas or skin bumps. The consequences are extremely painful and almost irreparable.

I invite all of my patients  to be  informed and do not allow anyone to play around  with their health. Always check with certified experts taking all possible precautions.

2273 Hits

Discover the advantages of a laser liposculpture

Discover the advantages of a laser liposculpture

Technically speaking, laser liposuction is a new, effective procedure to eliminate excess of fat in hips, abdomen, thighs, arms, neck and face. One of the advantages of the lipolaser is that it's a much less aggressive with  body because LÁSER breaks the fat cells, before aspiration preventing  less bleeding or bruising something very common in traditional liposuction. 

During the following 24 should not do any kind of exercise, after some days you can can do low impact exercise like walking so that the blood flow begins to be activated and recovery is satisfactory. With hot baths in the treated area will help the movement to regenerate much faster.

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