Why does the belly button change its appearance after liposuction and / or abdominoplasty?

Why does the belly button change its appearance after liposuction and / or abdominoplasty?

Generally, after plastic surgery like liposuction, liposculpture or lipectomy, the belly button changes appearance and appears what some call 'the sad navel'.

This is because the body is inflamed and must heal. Recall that a complete recovery of this procedure can take between 6 and 12 months after the procedure. In addition, fat that is extracted from the area can leave abdominal skin above the belly button while all tissues are rearranged and take their place helped by lymphatic drainage therapy. That is to say that the absence of fat around the belly button can cause an appearance of discrete sagging.

Once the body into a heal, gradually the skin will reassert itself and the appearance will be improved. However, one way to accelerate this process is through radiofrequency and is not indicated immediately after the surgery.

Nowadays, the techniques to perform this type of procedures are perfecting, so that it is now possible to take advantage of the tissue around the belly button to give it a more natural appearance.

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Keep the results of your abdominoplasty

Keep the results of your abdominoplasty

While liposuction and abdominoplasty cosmetic surgery techniques are very effective in getting rid of localized fat in different parts of the body, retaining the results is a must for you as a patient.

If you want to continue being that lean and firm person, you need to change your eating habits and awareness of the influence you have on what you ingest and the activities you do in how your body looks and feels.

Therefore, I make the following food recommendations that, along with regular exercise, is the key to make you feel and see perfectly.

* Consume fiber
* your plate should be divided : 1 protein , 1 carb, many vegetables.
* Improves iron intake
* Vitamin C is your best friend
* Do not stand hungry. Give your body several small servings of food per day
* Water can not be lacking in your daily life
* Eliminates soft drinks and sugary drinks

1095 Hits

Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck

Do you have excess of skin, fat or sagging in the abdomen and do not know what surgery do you need in order to improve the appearance of this area?

The tummy tuck also known as abdominoplasty or lipectomy which is indicated to strengthen, tone and eliminate excess of tissue from the abdominal area, returning the slender figure and toned you may have had and that for some natural reasons no longer have .

For example, women who have been pregnant, the muscles of her abdomen usually separated from the center line, creating the image of sagging. Another case may be those who have lost weight and have excess of skin on their abdomen, although they have treated with exercise have goten de expected result, this surgery could offer them the results they expect.

candidates for this surgery are people who are in good health condition that present excess of skin in the abdominal area and had weakness of their abdominal wall , the muscles are surgical tighten given a better apperance to tummy and waist.

1115 Hits

Benefits of tummy tuck

Benefits of tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty usually starts with a liposuction to remove excess of fat from the abdomen and finally the excess of skin is removed and muscle tissues around are modified to obtain a better modeling of the waist. In most cases the navel can be remodeled to achieve aesthetic purposes.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

-Improves appearance
When the abdomen and skin has stretched so much that is not possible natural repair, either by pregnancy or excessive weight changes, abdominoplasty is a solution. You can get a flatter and firmer stomach, you can narrow your waist and provide a smoother contour the abdomen. In addition, most of stretch marks could disappear from the area.

-Elimination Of skin’s excess
When there is excess of skin is an indication that it has reduced its elasticity, which can be normal due to the passage of time, pregnancy or excessive weight changes. Unlike liposuction, for example, abdominoplasty allows the removal of excess skin and thus removing pockets of fat.

-Abdominal-muscles more toned
Over time, the muscles tend to separate in the midline of the belly.
Abdominoplasty is not only to show more tense muscles and reverse the separation, but the patient may feel their firm, tight, strong and tough abdomen.

-Lasting results
Under suitable conditions, the results of a tummy tuck can last at least a decade o more ,these results largely depend on the care that the patient make your own body.
The two factors that influence markedly in the results over time of this procedure are pregnancy and significant weight loss.

1089 Hits

Excercise after an abdominoplasty

Excercise after  an abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is a procedure where muscle tissues are modified for better modeling waist. It is indicated in patients with excess abdominal fat and sagging skin, commonly in women who have given birth, pregnancy stretches a lot of skin and abdominal muscles; likewise in men and women for their genectic condition or a non balanced diet have accumulated excess fat in this region.

It is not appropriate for patients to perform physical activity during the first few weeks, since it can cause a lot of discomfort and pain; however, it is important that small walks are done using appropriate footwear without heels.

During two consecutive weeks of operation, do not recommend other exercises or sports because the abdomen contracts to bend or hold the trunk. We must be cautious and let the body heal and rhythm depends on the patient.

After a month and a half, approximately, you can gradually resume exercise as there has been a period of inactivity. I recommend to wear elastic garments for added support and comfort in use.

I suggest stretching exercises, Pilates or Yoga under the supervision of a monitor, so you can help restore muscle elasticity.

997 Hits

How to maintain your figure after abdominoplasty

How to maintain your figure after abdominoplasty

The tummy tuck is a procedure for firm and flatten the abdomen, however there is no guarantee that the patient can gain weight, must be taken into account that the tummy tuck is not a procedure for weight loss.

Patients who practiced this surgery should continue with a healthy lifestyle based on a diet without excesses and workouts, according to my recommendations. A lifestyle not only renewed will help avoid that patient gain weight after the intervention, but that the exercise is essential for your recovery and muscle-toning.

A daily routine of 30 minutes of alternating exercises will help you keep that new shape look that you will want to have forever. Physical activity after a tummy tuck or body contouring surgery will significantly contribute to the recovery and help reduce inflammation of the intervened area.

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