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What can you do to extend the results of your plastic surgery?

What can you do to extend the results of your plastic surgery?

In order to achieve long lasting results from a plastic surgery is important to combine a correct diet plan and a personalized exercise program. One of the most important aspects when we think of submitting to plastic surgery is to welcome new lifestyles and if its possible to incorporate them before the actual surgery.


In a previous post I covered the postoperative care that you needed to have in the short term, but it is important to have some extra care in the long term that will help you to preserve the results even longer. Remember to seek advice before getting involved with any sport activities but do get involved with routines that work the body parts that need it the most.

With regards to nutrition, try to find food that benefit you and limit the size of the portions so you don't exceed yourself. Try to find food that is rich in protein and try nutrition plans that you find easy to follow.


As I mentioned at the beginning of this post this a process of constant maintenaince and care which is in line with your new reality and you need to understand the most important thing in order to achieve longer results is the motivation you put into it. Your health and well-being are very important and extending the satisfaction of your results is also up to you.

1066 Hits

What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?

What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?

When we talk about having a well maintained skin, soft and without wrinkles we must think in the hyaluronic acid. This protein that is found naturally in the human tissues which can be used in a safe way, is mostly used for the growth of soft tissue, to recover volume and give volume to the areas which is most needed. It has a great demand worldwide due to the fact that when years go by we loose a great deal of our facial volume that we have.


Due to its inicial low cost and the short recovery time, this fillings have become a first go to place when it comes to maintaining a younger look. The substance improves the hidration of the skin, estimulates the production of collagen and its a potent antioxidant that posseses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


It is used in greater measure to treat static, deep or superficial wrinkles, correct any asymmetry in the soft parts like cheekbones or cheeks. Apart from certain background with allergies or taking some medication in most cases there is no need for previuos medical exams.


The aplication is gentle and the patient may resume his/her daily activities with minor to no restrictions. This procedure has no common negative effects and if they come up are very minor. For all this reasons it is a great option that can garantee your safety and satisfaction in a very short time.

1169 Hits

What is maxillofacial surgery?

What is maxillofacial surgery?

There are certain illnesses of our oral health that require drastic interventions. This is when we talk about maxillofacial surgery, people who have injuries or defects in the mouth area may require this type of treatment.


This surgery may involve some of the following procedures: complex extractions, implants placement, and in some cases the reconstruction of parts of the jawbone for multiple reasons such as (accidents, malformations, or atrophies). The maxillofacial surgeon, although treats the same zones as a dentist, he/she speciallizes, as the name indicates in the surgery that goes from bone grafts or complex dental extractions.


There are cases in which there are restrictions and surgery may not be the best option, for example during some of the trimester of pregnancy and patients with cardiopathy. This last one, can be done with local anesthesia without major complications, but the surgeon must endure a constant monitoriing avoiding any complications.

1196 Hits

Buttock Augmentation

Buttock Augmentation

Gluteoplasty is a recommended procedure to give firmness and / or enlarge the small or flattened glutes through the use of implants or silicone prostheses.

These cohesive silicone gel prostheses are specially designed to be more resilient and flattened compared to the breast and the ideal size to be chosen is according to the needs of my patients and their measurements, since by placing larger implants Of what is indicated, could put surgery results at risk.

Both men and women are candidates for this type of procedure but with different purposes, since men are given a different treatment to give a masculine appearance to the buttocks and, in women, it is a question of increasing the size and the silhouette.

1280 Hits

Have a more toned and healthy skin right away

Have a more toned and healthy skin right away

The face is an area of ​​great care since it is the first thing we expose ourselves to the world. After time, the skin deteriorates and loses its regenerating qualities. That is why I want to introduce you this new product that will leave you satisfied immediately with very long lasting results.

Ellanse is a state-of-the-art dermal filler that corrects wrinkles and skin folds with the natural production of collagen. In addition, it fills nasogenianos grooves, it increases cheekbones, it corrects the oval face.

You can see the results immediately and the effects can last between 12 and 48 months, depending on the formula you choose.

Are you worried? Do not hesitate to write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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