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Say goodbye to the double chin

Say goodbye to the double chin

The double chin is one of the facial features that most annoy those who have it, as it not only affects overweight people, but may have thin people, but are genetically predisposed to generate fat accumulation in that area. If you have jowls and you want to say goodbye to her I recommend that you follow these recommendations:
- If you are overweight, start exercising daily and ensure that your diet is rich in water, fruits and vegetables. If your body loses fat your gill will also become smaller.
- Once or twice daily massage the area of ​​the chin with a cream rich in collagen. You should slide your chin fingers towards the neck and repeat the procedure for 5 minutes. This will help you redistribute the fat in the area and help your skin to become stressed thanks to the action of collagen.
- If you want to have quick results or have already tried to follow the above tips I recommend the lipolaser. For this procedure the laser technology is used to liquefy the fat present in the double chin. The laser stimulates the formation of collagen so that the skin is tense. It does not require hospitalization or general anesthesia, as it is an outpatient procedure.

1556 Hits

Your post-surgery in Cali

Your post-surgery in Cali

All stages of surgery require specific care and practices. This time I will give you some tips that will be very useful for your post operative in Cali:

Be punctual when consuming your medications.
Use the sash for the entire stipulated time.
Take care of the sun. If your surgery was on the face use a hat to go outside. If you have any exposed scar use sunblock.
Receive only one lymphatic drainage per day. If you get more than one it can be harmful to your body.
Avoid lying down on the surgery area.
Follow my recommendations in your diet.
Avoid physical exertion during the first few days. Ask before resuming exercise or sport.
You should not smoke during the cicatrization period, since the cigarette makes this process difficult
I recommend abstaining from liquor during your recovery.
Avoid wetting your bandages and compresses. Follow my recommendations to change them.
Attend on-time appointments

Lastly, try to stay calm and be patient. Remember that the postoperative is just a small moment that you will pass, before reaching the figure that you have wanted so much.

1276 Hits

What is the best alternative to improve the nasogenian folds?

What is the best alternative to improve the nasogenian folds?

One of the characteristic features of a person's face is the nasolabial folds or nasolabial lines, which are the wrinkles that occur from the end of the nose to the corner of the lips, side and side.

Over the years, they are accentuated due to the sagging of the skin tissues, especially the cheeks, which causes a decrease in muscle tone of the lower part of the face, along with the lowering of the corners of the lips (Grooves of bitterness) giving rise to an aged and sad image of our face, which does not usually correspond with reality.

Facial fillings are part of a quick and painless medical treatment that is done by infiltrations, usually of hyaluronic acid, a substance that is naturally present in the human body and contributes to hydrate and contribute volume to the skin, resulting in a Expression rejuvenated.
Dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid are safe and reabsorbable substances whose esthetic effects are reversible. The folds and depressions of the face, with the application of these implants, recover volume in a fast and safe way, contributing a high degree of satisfaction to our patients.

The filling of the nasogenian furrows is done on an outpatient basis in consultation and is not very painful, although to minimize the discomfort we use a topical anesthetic cream. Once the treatment has taken place, a small inflammation may appear in the area of the nasolabial folds, which will decrease after about two or three days.

1636 Hits

Objects that you must pack in your suitcase for your surgery in Cali

Objects that you must pack in your suitcase for your surgery in Cali

Cali is a city with a tropical climate, however, as is natural, sometimes it rains. As in all tropical countries there are mosquitoes, even in the urban area.

Considering the possibility that it is your first visit to Colombia, you must know what to keep in your suitcase, so you will keep only necessary things. Below I will mention a series of clothes and articles that you must bring in your suitcase:

- Light clothing such as cotton dresses and sweatshirts, so you'll feel cool and enjoy the warm weather.

- If your surgery is a rhinoplasty bring a wide-brimmed hat to protect you from the sun.

- If your surgery is corporal, bring a light cardigan to cover your postquirurgical sash or make sure your cotton dresses have sleeves.

- In any case you should bring warmcoats and socks because in the clinic there is air conditioning and the temperature is very low.

- Repellent against insects containing Dietil Toluamide. Avoid buy canned repellent, because contaminate the planet. It is very important that you read the ingredients to buy an effective product.

- Regardless of your surgery you must bring antithrombotic stockings to the knees, because if you are not careful to use them, thrombi will can form.

All your toiletries including hygienic towels and wet wipes.

1121 Hits

Ear surgery, a radical change to feel you better.

Ear surgery, a radical change to feel you better.

The majority of my patients who request the otoplasty are men. Many of them, in their childhood were victims of mockery owing to the shape or size of their ears or simply they want to look more harmonic.

The ears are parts of the body very visible especially for men, because most of them use short hair.

Postoperative otoplasty is much easier than others. Most of the patients leaves the clinic immediately the surgery is finished, without needing to be hospitalized.

The scar of this surgery is imperceptibly to the naked eye, the incision is usually done on the back of the ears.

If you feel uncomfortable with your ears and feel that your size or shape does not favor to you, this surgery will help you feel better with your appearance. You decide.

Ask for your valuation and ask me any concerns you have.

1311 Hits
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