BBL - Preparation and Recovery

BBL - Preparation and Recovery

Enlargement and lifting of the buttocks is a popular procedure that seeks to improve the size and shape of the patient's gluteus. The most common procedure is referred to as the BBL, known for its acronym in English, which is an ideal option that targets to achieve a fuller and rounder derriere.

Preparation is key when it comes to achieving excellent and optimal results. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. Get all your medical checkups and exams.
  2. Do not smoke nor drink alcohol 5 to 7 weeks before the procedure because these substances can affect your healing process.
  3. Follow the indications regarding the consumption of medicines, some may be prohibited.
  4. Wear loose clothing and do not wear jewelry or anything of value on the day of your operation.

To achieve a speedy and healthy recovery, always keep these tips in mind:

  1. After surgery symptoms such as swelling, numbness, pain and bruising in the area of ​​the operation are normal. The swelling can take months to heal but the medications will help ease the pain.
  2. Most patients can walk again the next day.
  3. It is important to follow the indications promptly as to the times that you can remain seated, as this can affect newly transplanted fatty tissues.
  4. Patients are almost always given the type of compression garment they should wear, this will give them the time that will help them heal.
  5. You may be recommended to get a lymphatic massage.
  6. You can summarize or start physical activities after 6 to 8 weeks. Remember that a balanced diet and exercise can help you maintain results longer.

FB antes y despues

1151 Hits

Warranties that we offer in your post-operative stage

Warranties that we offer in your post-operative stage

As your plastic surgeon I have the responsibility to accompany, advise you and support you during the three stages of your plastic surgery before, during and after. I provide security and professionalism of my team, who will be ready to resolve your concerns and help in case of any eventuality could be presented in the process.

A good postoperative period is an essential complement to an excellent recovery, thinking of the welfare of all our patients offer a comprehensive thinking about the best for you:

1. Laboratory exams

2. Pre anesthetic -Valuation

3. Health insurance

4. Clothing Surgical post Home

5. Nurse

6. Lymphatic drainage

Highly qualified professionals

We have a highly qualified staff commitment with your care ,welfare and safety. Postsurgical medical assessments and controls are handled directly by me, ensuring the care and attention to every detail of your surgery and postsurgery. For your post-surgical therapy, lymphatic drainage offer as a fundamental stage of your process. Our physiotherapists are fully trained for this therapy to be of great help in your recovery and allow us to track your progress day after day.

951 Hits

Recovery after perform a Tummy Tuck

Recovery after perform a Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects unsightly deformities of the abdominal wall, caused by changes in weight, pregnancies, previous surgeries, etc. in the intervention removes excess skin and fat accumulated, as well as repair of abdominal wall muscle to give firmness.

How it is the postoperative period?

After the intervention is indispensable to put a Strip during 24 hours a day for about three weeks, and one week more, only at night. Is normal that during the postoperative period may feel tension or abdominal tightness, necessary to adopts a semi-setting posture for sleeping during the first week.

You may feed yourself according to the diet I recommend foods in small amounts to avoid tension in the abdomen and reduce the intake of foods that can cause gas. You can take short walks in the early days, however you have to wait a month to start a daily exercise routine.

1014 Hits

Before and after plastic surgery care

Before and after plastic surgery care

Before and after undergo a surgical procedure you must pay attention to indications given by the plastic surgeon, since it will provide indications for an effective recovery with positive results.

Preoperative treatment helps the organism condition to surgical intervention, 30 days before the surgery.
So I recommend to avoid:
• Alcoholic beverages, cigarette and unauthorized drugs.
• Avoid taking medications containing ASA (aspirin, Alka-Seltzer, Asawin, Ginko Biloba)
• Do not suspend antihypertensive medications.

Postoperative, on the other hand, passes through different stages and requires great care. Its objective is to achieve the best results in the healing process. My recommendations are:
• Start slowly with liquids in small amounts to prevent vomiting and gastritis.
• Continue the following day with soft diet.
• Consume juice prepared in water.
• Avoid strenuous physical exercise.
• Do not take sun for at least three months.
• Sleep semi-sitting position during the first eight days.

If you follow these recommendations, the results of the surgery surely will be optimal, according to treatment. Remember that your health care is the most important thing.

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