BBL - Preparation and Recovery

BBL - Preparation and Recovery

Enlargement and lifting of the buttocks is a popular procedure that seeks to improve the size and shape of the patient's gluteus. The most common procedure is referred to as the BBL, known for its acronym in English, which is an ideal option that targets to achieve a fuller and rounder derriere.

Preparation is key when it comes to achieving excellent and optimal results. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. Get all your medical checkups and exams.
  2. Do not smoke nor drink alcohol 5 to 7 weeks before the procedure because these substances can affect your healing process.
  3. Follow the indications regarding the consumption of medicines, some may be prohibited.
  4. Wear loose clothing and do not wear jewelry or anything of value on the day of your operation.

To achieve a speedy and healthy recovery, always keep these tips in mind:

  1. After surgery symptoms such as swelling, numbness, pain and bruising in the area of ​​the operation are normal. The swelling can take months to heal but the medications will help ease the pain.
  2. Most patients can walk again the next day.
  3. It is important to follow the indications promptly as to the times that you can remain seated, as this can affect newly transplanted fatty tissues.
  4. Patients are almost always given the type of compression garment they should wear, this will give them the time that will help them heal.
  5. You may be recommended to get a lymphatic massage.
  6. You can summarize or start physical activities after 6 to 8 weeks. Remember that a balanced diet and exercise can help you maintain results longer.

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1151 Hits

Top 5 plastic surgeries performed by men

Top 5 plastic surgeries performed by men

Plastic surgery are a trend becoming very common amongst men. Here I show which are the most common plastic surgery that men undergo:


1. Liposuction: This surgery consists of suctioning the subcutaneous fat, inserting a cannula connected to a vacuum pump.


2. Reduction of breasts to treat gynecomastia: with this treatment the abnormal growth of the mammary gland can be determined and corrected in men. This is cause due to hormonal changes during adolescence or side effects to some drugs that may remain and cause discomfort in the adult age.


3. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery: is a procedure to remove the excess fat, skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids.


4. Rhinoplasty or nose surgery: a surgery to restore the nose, rhinoplasty is personalized and its design has an attractive and ideal shape, highlighting the other personal features of the patient’s face.


5. Otoplasty or ear surgery: otoplasty seeks to sculpt and artistically correct birth defects or trauma injuries.

1188 Hits

What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?

What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?

When we talk about having a well maintained skin, soft and without wrinkles we must think in the hyaluronic acid. This protein that is found naturally in the human tissues which can be used in a safe way, is mostly used for the growth of soft tissue, to recover volume and give volume to the areas which is most needed. It has a great demand worldwide due to the fact that when years go by we loose a great deal of our facial volume that we have.


Due to its inicial low cost and the short recovery time, this fillings have become a first go to place when it comes to maintaining a younger look. The substance improves the hidration of the skin, estimulates the production of collagen and its a potent antioxidant that posseses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


It is used in greater measure to treat static, deep or superficial wrinkles, correct any asymmetry in the soft parts like cheekbones or cheeks. Apart from certain background with allergies or taking some medication in most cases there is no need for previuos medical exams.


The aplication is gentle and the patient may resume his/her daily activities with minor to no restrictions. This procedure has no common negative effects and if they come up are very minor. For all this reasons it is a great option that can garantee your safety and satisfaction in a very short time.

1036 Hits

Do you know wich are the enemies of a flat abdomen?

Do you know wich are the enemies of a flat abdomen?

For many of my patients is a little difficult to get used to maintain new eating habits so sometimes little by little becomes accumulate fat in the belly, one of the most complex areas to burn the fat. Do exercise every day without a care in consumed on a daily basis, it can be exhausting and little helpful. Since some foods lead to fat directly to the belly and hips contributing to sagging in these areas of the body. Some of those foods that cause belly fat storage are:

1. sugar: they have a high content of calories that are stored in body fat deposits. They may be harmful to the immune system and are the first that promote weight gain and the accumulation of fat in the belly.

2. White processed foods: white flour, rice and gluten, refined to have more attractive appearance have very few nutrients. These foods contain a high percentage of empty calories that can not be easily processed by the body.

3. red meats and sausages: one of the reasons why you should avoid to eat this type of food is that the body can not simultaneously processed meat and fat; in this way the body can not to burn fast enough, resulting in those chubby waist. It is recommended to consume meat light like chicken, fish and lean meat.

4. alcoholic beverages: alcohol has high amount of calories by excessive sugar content. Beverages like wine, rum, brandy and most cocktails are one of the keys in the emergence of abdominal fat. These beverages contribute to the deterioration of muscle tissue, giving way to fat gain, especially in that area of the body.

The care you have after having your surgery depends largely on maintaining the long-term results , recalls the plastic surgery is not magical and once you done it  you should be aware that in order to maintain the results of your surgery ,is really important to change your eating habits and exercise at least 45 minutes a day. Although it might be convenient for me as a surgeon have multiple times to a patient in the operating room, honestly i dont  recommend it, every surgery has risks and results after the first liposculpture can be quite different from those of a second, theres why you  should be careful and not abuse of surgeries. 

1084 Hits

Get ready for your liposuction eating healthily

Get ready for your liposuction eating healthily

Before undergoing a liposuction must prepare your body for at least one or two months prior surgery, through proper nutrition. To prepare the body to deal with stress caused by the surgery increases the need to consume certain vitamins and minerals that will help to avoid the involvement of the immune system, the appearance of fatigue and delays in healing processes.

Some recommendations that will help you in this process are:

1. Drink low fat milk or almond milk at least a cup a day.

2 consume grains and legumes.

3. consume other vitamins: vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin D, K and E.

4 eat meat: fish, poultry or beef, around ¼ pound a day.

5. consume minerals: calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous among others.

Remember that health and beauty go hand in hand.

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