Patient's question: Will I lose a cup size once swelling goes away after Breast Augmentation?

Patient's question: Will I lose a cup size once swelling goes away after Breast Augmentation?

Many of my patients are satisfied with the size of their breasts when their surgery has been recent and they wonder, with concern if when the swelling passes, will they lose the results that they have obtained.

However, because the recovery time after a breast augmentation varies from one patient to another, most of the swelling decreases between the third and sixth week. Once that time passes, it is very unlikely that if the surgery has been successful, you will lose such a volume in a cup size, which is a lot.

What is most expected is that the result is very close to what the patient can perceive once she has left her surgery. What does change is the position of the implants, since they tend to descend and locate correctly once the trauma has passed. I recommend a lot of patience and willingness to face the postoperative period to visualize the desired results.

1114 Hits

What is the meaning of projection or profile of the silicon implants?

What is the meaning of projection or profile of the silicon implants?

The size and shape of the breasts after mastopexy is the main concern of my patients, so I consider necessary to talk about this theme, because this characteristic is decisive in the final results.

The profile is more determinant than the amount of cc that has the prosthesis, therefore, two prostheses of the same amount of cc and different projection will give two different results.

The silicone prostheses have a base size and a projection size. The projection is the measure forward, if the person are standing. The base, instead it is related to the width, if we look the bust in front.

If your natural breast is small, more projection you will need, if you expect noticeable results.In this case, many patients choose the prothesis of high projection. Many women who have a medium breast, choose the protheses of low or medium projection. Of course, there are always patients who want to have a notorious change and opt for high projection prostheses.

If you have slender breast, I recommend to you the protheses with narrow root that will adjust to your anatomy and will seem more natural. If you have breasts with wide root I recommend to you the protheses of broad base.

1141 Hits

The Best Position for Your Breast Implants

The Best Position for Your Breast Implants

A breast augmentation or mamoplasty has two options for implant placement, sub-glandular and sub-muscular. In our asessment appointment we will decide the location of the implants, because this varies from one patient to another. Without having studied your particular case, it is difficult to determine the best location for your breast implants, however, is a frequent question of my patients. I will explain what is the difference between both options:

Subglandular breast implant.

Subglandular breast augmentation, or also known as a submammary, is based on the collation of the implant between the pectoralis muscle and the mammary gland. This procedure requires less recovery time because only are cut skin and fat, rather than muscle, making the patient feel less pain and discomfort in port-surgical process. Submuscular breast implant.

Submuscular breast implant.

In the submuscular placement of the breast implant, also called subpectoral, the implant is placed behind the pectoral muscle, that is, the implant is placed between the muscle and the chest wall in the space below the muscle. This procedure is a little more painful and post-operative recovery takes longer. When you have your appointment with me, take the opportunity to ask all the questions you have so that you know the details in depth of your surgery.

1106 Hits

How should you choose the size of your breast implants?

How should you choose the size of your breast implants?

One of the decisions that must be made when performing an augmentation mammoplasty is the size of the implants, taking into account the proportion of the body and your tastes.

This process is not done by your self, you always have my advice, my opinion and my sincerity to obtain successful and safe results.

Here's what you should keep in mind when choosing your implants:
Your anatomy. You should think that prostheses should be proportional to your body, your weight, your height, the chest cavity, the shape of the chest and the natural volume of your breasts.
The knowledge of the surgeon. be as as honestly as possible about the expectations you have and your tastes. The most important thing is your health and your satisfaction.
This is a personal decision. The result of this process directly affect you, it is you who know and know what you want, relevant for you to feel happy with the results.

Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your questions. I will be happy to respond.

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