Recommendations before plastic surgery

Recommendations before plastic surgery

Before surgery, you can generate many questions that are accompanied by tension because of the procedure and its results. The best advice is that, no matter how tiny is your doubt, you should let me know it to make it clear and give you the necessary tranquility to your body and your mind which needs to cope with the surgery and recovery from it. However, I will give some recommendations before performing plastic surgery:

- Exercise before surgery should not be exhausting. It is recommended to do some aerobic activity like walking or jogging to improve cardiovascular fitness. Remember that if you are interested in physical activity, it must be done gradually, increasing the difficulty level without forcing the body to make efforts it has not done before.

-Making Diets before surgery is recommended only if it is oriented to change eating habits, without being hungry, but replacing foods like sugars and flours for other fiber-rich, vegetables and fruits. I recommend this process to be advised and accompanied by a nutritionist to not interfere with the functions of your body.

-I advise to wear comfortable clothes, easy to take off and loose to prevent your skin from getting hurt. Similarly, footwear, ideally should not be tying.

-The Skin should moisturize. For the day of the procedure you should not use make up, however you should remove your nails polish, hair extensions and piercings, earrings or other metal objects.

-If surgery is performed under general or epydural anesthesia, you need to completely fasting at least 8 hours before.

-I'll recommend attending with a companion.

Special recommendations , I give them to each patient according to their needs.

1074 Hits

Benefits of tummy tuck

Benefits of tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty usually starts with a liposuction to remove excess of fat from the abdomen and finally the excess of skin is removed and muscle tissues around are modified to obtain a better modeling of the waist. In most cases the navel can be remodeled to achieve aesthetic purposes.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

-Improves appearance
When the abdomen and skin has stretched so much that is not possible natural repair, either by pregnancy or excessive weight changes, abdominoplasty is a solution. You can get a flatter and firmer stomach, you can narrow your waist and provide a smoother contour the abdomen. In addition, most of stretch marks could disappear from the area.

-Elimination Of skin’s excess
When there is excess of skin is an indication that it has reduced its elasticity, which can be normal due to the passage of time, pregnancy or excessive weight changes. Unlike liposuction, for example, abdominoplasty allows the removal of excess skin and thus removing pockets of fat.

-Abdominal-muscles more toned
Over time, the muscles tend to separate in the midline of the belly.
Abdominoplasty is not only to show more tense muscles and reverse the separation, but the patient may feel their firm, tight, strong and tough abdomen.

-Lasting results
Under suitable conditions, the results of a tummy tuck can last at least a decade o more ,these results largely depend on the care that the patient make your own body.
The two factors that influence markedly in the results over time of this procedure are pregnancy and significant weight loss.

1086 Hits

How to recognize a good Lymphatic Drain therapy

How to recognize a good Lymphatic Drain therapy

When the lymphatic system is congested, lymph nodes can not perform their work properly and that arise inflamed lymph is a sign that something unusual going on inside. It is normal after any type of surgery present .The inflammation and edema or retentions occur when the lymphatic system is not able to debug these areas, or when liquids and substances stagnate.

For this reason, I prescribe at l at least 10 sessions of this therapy.

Manual lymph drainage is a therapy that involves making the skin massage slow, rhythmic, harmonic and very smooth movements, when done in the proper direction, following the flow of the lymphatic channels, it stimulates the drainage of these ducts nodes, cleaning congested areas. This technique requires a certain amount of intuition and very accurately, because the pressure is a factor and each case and each patient requires care and special handling.

Effective MLD session should last at least one hour. It is advisable that your therapist performs this in a harmonious space that conducive patient to relaxation.

The manual lymphatic drainage movements are extremely slow and repetitive, always following the direction to lymphatic conducts.

With concern , I've noticed that people have a misconception of this therapy concept and confuse a common massage with lymphatic drainage massage . I would like to clear that Another type of massage in a postoperative period is totally contraindicated because it can cause even more edema on operated patients .

1091 Hits

How long does it take to see optimal results of liposculpture?

How long does it take to see optimal results of liposculpture?

Liposculpture is a technique used to shape the body and give harmony to the body.

Like any process, has an impact on the body and it needs time to recover and adapt to the changes that have been made.

After liposuction, the body becomes inflamed. This can last for months, which, of course, not allowed to see the results of the surgery immediately. Recovery from liposuction, to see the best results can be 3 to 6 months for the body to adapt to the slender figure is intended to surgery.

Swelling and bruising decrease significantly between the first and third month after the surgery. The skin takes up to 6 months to stiffen in the area where the procedure is practiced

It is important that to plan your surgery. If you have designed a holiday or any event where you want to show off your new figure, you should consider adaptation time and healing your body for optimal results, not only aesthetically, but health.

To clarify any doubts you have about this topic you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will resolve any concerns and together we can find the best time to perform the procedure.

1010 Hits

When you want to change your breast implants

When you want to change your breast implants

Ocasionally i see patients who have had bad experiences with previous surgeries, , and want to correct these results or want breast implants removed or resized. In any case, if necessary remove the implants, it should be an approach of 3 to 4 centimeters, generally and preferably at the level of the scar you have.

When you have had breast implants the skin and mammary glands expands, so it is very likely that when reducing the size of the prosthesis patient may need an additional surgery to provide the recollection and the desired results. That is necessary to perform a mastopexy, because when the implant is removed and its size is reduced, excess skin can cause the fall of the breast.

Remember that any questions you have, I can answer it and that not all cases are equal, so it is very important to analyze the situation for everyone.

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