How long does it take to see optimal results of liposculpture?

Liposculpture is a technique used to shape the body and give harmony to the body.

Like any process, has an impact on the body and it needs time to recover and adapt to the changes that have been made.

After liposuction, the body becomes inflamed. This can last for months, which, of course, not allowed to see the results of the surgery immediately. Recovery from liposuction, to see the best results can be 3 to 6 months for the body to adapt to the slender figure is intended to surgery.

Swelling and bruising decrease significantly between the first and third month after the surgery. The skin takes up to 6 months to stiffen in the area where the procedure is practiced

It is important that to plan your surgery. If you have designed a holiday or any event where you want to show off your new figure, you should consider adaptation time and healing your body for optimal results, not only aesthetically, but health.

To clarify any doubts you have about this topic you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will resolve any concerns and together we can find the best time to perform the procedure.

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