Coddle your skin after holidays

Coddle your skin after holidays

After the holidays, skin that has been exposed to changes in temperatures and substances like sunscreen or suntan lotion daily, needs a break and helps to regain its freshness and health.

That's why I tell you about these non-invasive procedures that rejuvenate your skin and contribute to a younger and healthier appearance.

* Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is one of the most modern cell regeneration techniques. Based on the properties within the PLATELETS discovered in the last decades of secreting a wonderful substance called Growth Factor (FC) which is responsible for drastic cellular changes including the recruitment of Peripheral Mother Cells and the "awakening" known cell reproduction Such as Mitosis.

Unlike other current medical treatments, it is not a medicine, it is not synthesized from natural or artificial products, but simply consists of "harvesting" and "implanting" its own cells responsible for cell regeneration in the right place and in an impossible quantity of Achieve for your body by itself.

* Peeling is a classic dermatological treatment for the treatment of wrinkles, spots, some scars and integral facial rejuvenation.
Basically it seeks to generate a skin exfoliation. This can be achieved through chemical means (creams, gels, pastes, solutions), physical as laser and cryotherapy and mechanics such as dermabrasion with various abrasives (sandpaper, steel, diamond, crystals).

* Silhouette soft is an innovative non-invasive treatment that contributes to the production of collagen, redefining the lines of the face and a smooth and rejuvenated skin. It does not leave any kind of scars and it is possible to resume daily activities quickly.

1086 Hits

Foods that help take care of the skin

Foods that help take care of the skin

The skin is the most extensive organ of our body and acts as a protective barrier against the aggressions of the environment. And like any organ we must keep it healthy. When we perform a cosmetic surgery, it is easier to have adequate healing if we have healthy skin. For this reason I give some advice on how to take care of our skin.

It is essential to have the habit of drinking water and in this way keep the skin hydrated. This reduces lines of expression and wrinkles. It also helps the body get rid of toxins. Nuts are a great source of vitamin E, like broccoli. They also contain omega 3 acids, which help to moisturize and soften the texture of the skin, as well as protect the skin from chemicals and other toxins.

On the other hand, broccoli is a food rich in antioxidants. Among its properties are those of producing collagen, giving the skin flexibility and a healthy appearance. Helps defend the skin from UVA rays.

Another healthy habit to care for the skin can be to consume whole grains that contain one of the most beneficial antioxidants for our skin: selenium. Whole grains are healthier than refined flours.

Citrus fruits are foods rich in Vitamin C, and therefore carry a very high amount of antioxidants that give elasticity and firmness to the skin. Carrots, meanwhile, contain a lot of Vitamin A, which helps prevent wrinkles and spots on the skin.

1039 Hits

Unhealthy habits that influence the premature aging of the skin

Unhealthy habits that influence the premature aging of the skin

The areas of the body where the premature aging of our skin is most evident are the face and neck.

There are different factors in our lifestyles that influence this condition, among them are excessive exposure to the sun, as ultraviolet rays affect the production of collagen and elastin, proteins that confer resistance and elasticity to the tissues. On the other hand, there is the nutrition since, if it does not contain the necessary nutrients, it begins to see diminished the freshness of the skin.

Habits such as tobacco or liquor consumption are also determinants for premature aging, as they reduce the level of oxygen in the blood, affecting the production of collagen. Some liquors also reduce the amount of vitamin A.

Likewise, lack of sleep causes skin aging to occur, as the production of growth hormone, crucial for skin regeneration, is reduced. Not sleeping also contributes to the generation of stress, a condition that generates a hormonal imbalance, decreasing the production of collagen.

915 Hits

Peeling: renews your face

Peeling: renews your face

For patients who wish to diminish wrinkles, get a rejuvenated skin moisturized, with a proper secretion of fat and a good consistency and luminosity, the Peel is one of the best options that I offer to my patients.

Is a dermatological treatment for the treatment of wrinkles, spots, some scars and comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Its purpose is to generate an exfoliation of the skin through chemical means such as creams, gels, pastes and solutions.

Regardless of the method used, we seek to generate a rejuvenation by performing:

  • Exfoliation of the skin surface to deep
  • Reactivation of cells mother in skin
  • Stimulation to the formation of new collagen

Peels are used to correct wrinkles fine, medium or deep, to treat acne (active, mild or moderate) and its sequels, photo-aging, aging, sagging, fine and rough skin, oily skin, skin spots, Actinic Keratoses, among others.

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