Indications to perform a rhinoplasty

Indications to perform a rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty in a surgical procedure designed to produce changes in the appearance , structure and function of the nose . The procedure is performed to adults presenting an alteration in the natural morphology of the nose.

Such surgery is not only done for aesthetic reasons , there are also reparative and reconstructive reasons, including a deviated nasal septum , with or without obstruction of the air inlet , which occurred after a major trauma , is limiting in a person's life.

Thanks to plastic surgery, these nasal post-traumatic disorders can be corrected satisfactorily, improving the functionality of the organ.

Other common indications for rhinoplasty are , the hump on the nasal dorsum profile , nasal tip dropped or thick look and wide nose in frontal view.

With the instructions, go ahead and send me your photos to make an assessment and clear your doubts .

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