Unhealthy habits that influence the premature aging of the skin

Unhealthy habits that influence the premature aging of the skin

The areas of the body where the premature aging of our skin is most evident are the face and neck.

There are different factors in our lifestyles that influence this condition, among them are excessive exposure to the sun, as ultraviolet rays affect the production of collagen and elastin, proteins that confer resistance and elasticity to the tissues. On the other hand, there is the nutrition since, if it does not contain the necessary nutrients, it begins to see diminished the freshness of the skin.

Habits such as tobacco or liquor consumption are also determinants for premature aging, as they reduce the level of oxygen in the blood, affecting the production of collagen. Some liquors also reduce the amount of vitamin A.

Likewise, lack of sleep causes skin aging to occur, as the production of growth hormone, crucial for skin regeneration, is reduced. Not sleeping also contributes to the generation of stress, a condition that generates a hormonal imbalance, decreasing the production of collagen.

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The importance of hydrate

The importance of hydrate

The human body needs to stay hydrated to function. This way your body can regulate its temperature, remove debris and lubricate joints.

The body loses water constantly in the most basic activities, so, staying hydrated is very important. Drinking water daily, 6 to 8 cups, depending on the needs of each person, it is advisable to stay healthy.

Although water is the best choice to stay hydrated, other drinks and foods also can do it, but some may add extra calories to your diet. Natural fruit juices and vegetables, dairy drinks and herbal teas can provide the necessary liquid to your body. We can not forget that fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, watermelon and lettuce are rich in hydrating fluids.

If you want to hydrate, I recommend keeping a water bottle with you all day. If you do not like the taste, you can add a few drops of lemon or orange for flavoring it.

Never forget to hydrate before, during and after physical activity. Drinking water can also contribute to a healthy weight loss plan.

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Rhinoplasty and its benefits

Rhinoplasty and its benefits

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is a surgical procedure in which nose’s size is decreased or increased, the shape is modified and some disorders that obstruct the passage of air through it are corrected.

It has aesthetic and functional benefits: people who are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose can get a better balance and harmony to their facial features, but can also perceive a significant impact on functionality.

improving the appearance is one of the most common reasons that patients attend a rhinoplasty. Often they feel that the size or shape does not harmonize with the rest of their facial features and seek advice to find the balance to their faces.

When the shape of the nose is altered, attention can be diverted to other areas of the face, highlighting another feature that was being overshadowed and finding harmony.

On the other hand, for functionality, rhinoplasty can provide solutions to health problems, correcting any structural abnormality and improving the ability of a patient's breathing. In addition, through this procedure we can correct some birth defects, such as a deviated septum that affects normal breathing.

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