Risks of Home Liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic operation that demands professional staff, experts in surgery and anesthesia, besides this like any other surgical procedure must be carried in a room specialized as an operating room, and in no way in a room of a House that is not suitable for this type of procedures. All surgery must meet health and formal procedures. To avoid becoming a victim of clandestine places where to practice without any kind of professionalism surgeries, leave some recommendations to keep in mind:

1. it is important to ensure that the person who placed the anesthesia is a qualified medical professional. The lack of a real anesthesiologist can lead to tragic results.

2. the hygienic conditions of the place and the working tools are of total importance, since the lack of asepsis and hygiene in the working tools can cause infections that can be put at risk the life of the patient.

3. people performing such procedures without studies previous, certified and supported by the society of Surgeons of the country, augment the chances of damage to any organ or tissue, to cause death.

Unfortunately some people unscrupulous that lends itself to perform this type of interventions without having sanitation and basic and essential operation conditions putting at great risk to the person who puts in their hands. 

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