XIX International Course of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and III Symposium ISAPS

XIX International Course of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and III Symposium ISAPS

This week Cali - Colombia will be meeting place for the community of plastic surgery. It will be held the XIX International Course of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the ceremony of the 60 years of the Colombian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery , the Third Symposium of ISAPS and the Sixth International Meeting of Residents of Plastic Surgery from August 31 to September 4 at the Centro de Convenciones Valle del Pacífico.

60 doctors will participate between foreigners and Colombians to share knowledge and exchange experiences to strengthen the image of this specialty that I practice with so much passion and fight against bad practices that endanger people.

Plastic surgery community is committed to health, safety and patient satisfaction.

Always remember to choose medical surgeons certificates, members of the Colombian Society of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

For more info, visit http://cursocirugiaplasticaesteticacali2016.info/ws/

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