Subtle procedures for a rejuvenated face

Subtle procedures for a rejuvenated face

Cosmetic procedures can work to make subtle changes that will make the person to feel much more comfortable with herself. Some of these procedures are:

• Eyelid Lift
Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery seeks to rejuvenate the look, rearranging the excess of skin and fat located around the eyes.
The incisions are usually made in the upper or lower eyelid folds. This procedure do not only corrects drooping eyelids, but also wrinkles, tired eyes, sagging lower lids and puffy eyes.
• Lips Recovery
Lips facing down in some people make their expression look sad or upset. To change this trait, injectable fillers are an option to intervene the depressor muscle of the angle of the mouth. Although the effects of the injections last only a few months, it can return the person a more friendly and cheerful gestures.

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