Some tips for after a rhinoplasty

Some tips for after a rhinoplasty

People who have suffered a hit causing nose deformities, those who suffer from breathing problems or who simply are not conform with the aesthetic aspects of their face, appeal to rhinoplasty as a solution.

This surgery is outpatient. And after approximately two hours of the procedure, there is an important stage that will allow the patient to obtain satisfactory results: Recovery.

In this case, it´s important that my patients closely follow all my instructions so that the recovery is faster and less painful. Although, the recommendations may vary depending on each patient, here I share the most frequent.

The first thing is to be very judicious with painkillers and other prescription drugs. During the first 4 to 5 days you should keep your head elevated, position that reduces bleeding and swelling, you can use several pillows to facilitate this position when sleeping. You should avoid strenuous physical activities for the first 10 to 15 days.

The patient should also avoid to drink liquor during this period, as well as the cigarette - even as a passive smoker - because this makes healing difficult. I also recommend not exposing to the sun during the first few months.

It’s important, as far as possible, to avoid blowing your nose to aid healing. If you should sneeze, it´s best to do it with your mouth open. Thus, following these basic tips can ensure a recovery as uncomfortable as possible.

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