4 types of biopolymers which must not be you never in your body

4 types of biopolymers which must not be you never in your body

Some patients fail to see the danger that run their lives by putting them in the hands of malicious unscrupulous people capable of wearing a white coat and become calling doctors, pretending to be specialists to gain the confidence of their victims enthusing them with a new image, but at what price?

A syringe filled with oil for aircraft, industrial silicone, oil, cooking and even cement among other illegal substances, have been injected into people by lack of information or money, taking the ""best opportunity"" without knowing that his life depends on it.

Here I tell you some of the biopolymers that must not be apply never in your body:

1 Biogel or silicone: injectable filler that is nothing more than high viscosity mineral oil or silicon oil. Injection with this type of substances generates encapsulation of consequences such as alterations in the immune system, deformities, infections, inflammation, discharge of pus or matter, respiratory failure, and the silicone embolism pulmonary and even death.

2 POLYACRYLIC glass (PMMA): substance mainly composed of acrylic and gel. Some people use it to correct wrinkles, increase buttocks, lifting of cheekbones and calf augmentation. When this substance is injected, it penetrates the muscle tissues and crystallizes producing fibrosis. The affected tissue reacts naturally trying to expel such a substance in the body which causes the crystals to move to other areas.

3 Hialucorp: this substance despite its registry Invima in Colombia, is one of the many that although he says contain hyaluronic acid, consists largely of silica; to inject into the body can generate harmful health effects, such as severe infections leaving sequelae of life or destruction of tissues.

4 Dimethyl polysiloxane or silicone: known as expandable cells, is nothing more than dilute silicone that by becoming solid favors information granulomas or skin bumps. The consequences are extremely painful and almost irreparable.

I invite all of my patients  to be  informed and do not allow anyone to play around  with their health. Always check with certified experts taking all possible precautions.

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