What is maxillofacial surgery?

What is maxillofacial surgery?

There are certain illnesses of our oral health that require drastic interventions. This is when we talk about maxillofacial surgery, people who have injuries or defects in the mouth area may require this type of treatment.


This surgery may involve some of the following procedures: complex extractions, implants placement, and in some cases the reconstruction of parts of the jawbone for multiple reasons such as (accidents, malformations, or atrophies). The maxillofacial surgeon, although treats the same zones as a dentist, he/she speciallizes, as the name indicates in the surgery that goes from bone grafts or complex dental extractions.


There are cases in which there are restrictions and surgery may not be the best option, for example during some of the trimester of pregnancy and patients with cardiopathy. This last one, can be done with local anesthesia without major complications, but the surgeon must endure a constant monitoriing avoiding any complications.

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Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial Surgery

This surgical specialty helps to correct inestetismis face either hereditary or traumatic , as hipomentonismo ( short chin) hipermentonismo ( prominent chin ) , and hipognatia ( short jaw ) is achieved .

This procedure will help you to chew, speak and even breathe better, and harmonize your aesthetic appearance. For certain pathologies and jaw deformities you must use a professional in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

How is postoperative ?

The pain is controlled by medication you'll return to your normal life being judiciously within a few weeks . You should follow my recommendations for food , having a few special diet of solids and liquids in the first weeks .
Avoid alcohol and snuff , in addition to little physical activity. Complete healing of the wound usually takes between 9 and 12 months.

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