How to tone your arms?

How to tone your arms?

After having a liposuction in arms it is very important to tone your arms with excercise.

Toning the arms is an issue that many of my patients worry about because with the passage of time, they tend to slip down and take a flabby look.

So I give you these tricks so you can show off a toned and cute arms.

-The Arms are very sensitive to change in weight, so you have to exercise them if you want to prevent sag.

The muscles get used to a specific exercise, so I recommend you to do different routines. Once you've mastered an exercise, switch to another.

-Try Doing repetitions with small weights, not more than 4 kg. Do not worry if at first it is not easy, eventually, your arms will gain strength.

-The Rest you give your muscles to renew its fibers is vital. With three days a week and 15 minutes per session will have more than enough to start.

-Be constant. Only perseverance and training achieved the desired results. Persevere and you will see.

-Remember always warm up before exercise. Do not make sudden movements, just looking flex and gain more elasticity.

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