Excercise after an abdominoplasty

Excercise after  an abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is a procedure where muscle tissues are modified for better modeling waist. It is indicated in patients with excess abdominal fat and sagging skin, commonly in women who have given birth, pregnancy stretches a lot of skin and abdominal muscles; likewise in men and women for their genectic condition or a non balanced diet have accumulated excess fat in this region.

It is not appropriate for patients to perform physical activity during the first few weeks, since it can cause a lot of discomfort and pain; however, it is important that small walks are done using appropriate footwear without heels.

During two consecutive weeks of operation, do not recommend other exercises or sports because the abdomen contracts to bend or hold the trunk. We must be cautious and let the body heal and rhythm depends on the patient.

After a month and a half, approximately, you can gradually resume exercise as there has been a period of inactivity. I recommend to wear elastic garments for added support and comfort in use.

I suggest stretching exercises, Pilates or Yoga under the supervision of a monitor, so you can help restore muscle elasticity.

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