Difference between Peeling and antiaging therapy or platelet rich plasma

Difference between Peeling and antiaging therapy or platelet rich plasma

Peeling and antiaging or Plasma Therapy Platelet rich are procedures that are performed to rejuvenate the skin. The differences between them are the following:

The Peeling is a classic dermatologic therapy for the treatment of wrinkles, blemishes, some scars and brown facial rejuvenation.

Basically it seeks to create an exfoliation of the skin. This can be accomplished by chemical means (creams, gels, pastes, solutions), physical as laser and cryotherapy and mechanical as dermabrasion with various abrasives (sandpaper, steel, diamond, crystals).

Peeling is one of the basic methods in any process of facial rejuvenation and the treatment of active acne and acne scars.

On the other hand, cell therapy antiaging or Platelet Rich Plasma is one of the newest procedures and it does not use any mediciation, it is not synthesized from natural or artificial products, but harvesting and implements patient's own cells responsible for cell regeneration in the right place and in an impossible amount that the body alone able to produce, the benefity is a progress rejvenate and nutrition for your skin.

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