What is lipoinyection?

Lipoinyeccion is one of the procedures to improve the contour of the buttocks and lift it. Fat is removed from patient with lipoaspiration and then is transfered to gluteal area after it has been purify. Not all remove fat is available for transfering.

Never allow substances such as biopolymers or methacrylates are used on you: it has already been shown that unsafe and harmful to health even years after being placed.

Among the advantages of liposuction is that it is not a stranger substance or element added, then you can get a more natural result and a more harmonious and contoured shape.

As there are people who want to increase the size of their buttocks, there are others who want to diminish it, so there is also the buttock liposuction to shape the figure.

Anyone in good health and whose laboratory tests and medical evaluation is normal is a candidate for this procedure.

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