The size and shape of the breasts after mastopexy is the main concern of my patients, so I consider necessary to talk about this theme, because this characteristic is decisive in the final results.

The profile is more determinant than the amount of cc that has the prosthesis, therefore, two prostheses of the same amount of cc and different projection will give two different results.

The silicone prostheses have a base size and a projection size. The projection is the measure forward, if the person are standing. The base, instead it is related to the width, if we look the bust in front.

If your natural breast is small, more projection you will need, if you expect noticeable results.In this case, many patients choose the prothesis of high projection. Many women who have a medium breast, choose the protheses of low or medium projection. Of course, there are always patients who want to have a notorious change and opt for high projection prostheses.

If you have slender breast, I recommend to you the protheses with narrow root that will adjust to your anatomy and will seem more natural. If you have breasts with wide root I recommend to you the protheses of broad base.