The preparation of your body for a plastic surgery must initiate with minimum a month of anticipation, in order that your body will be healthy and in ideal conditions to the moment of the surgical intervention.

It is important that you keep in mind these tips that I have prepared for you. They will help to have a safe and quiet surgical procedure:

With a month in advance or more if you can, start to consume iron and vitamin C. These vitamin supplements will keep your body strong and your immune system in top condition. It is important that you avoid contact with people who have respiratory infections during that period.

Suspend for a minimum of one month the use of any other nutritional supplement and your hormonal method of family planning, such as pills and contraceptive injections. You can protect yourself from pregnancy by using barrier methods such as the condom or the diaphragm.

Avoid drinking liquor for at least 72 hours (3 days) before your surgery. The day of the surgery appear with non polish nail.