Generally, after plastic surgery like liposuction, liposculpture or lipectomy, the belly button changes appearance and appears what some call 'the sad navel'.

This is because the body is inflamed and must heal. Recall that a complete recovery of this procedure can take between 6 and 12 months after the procedure. In addition, fat that is extracted from the area can leave abdominal skin above the belly button while all tissues are rearranged and take their place helped by lymphatic drainage therapy. That is to say that the absence of fat around the belly button can cause an appearance of discrete sagging.

Once the body into a heal, gradually the skin will reassert itself and the appearance will be improved. However, one way to accelerate this process is through radiofrequency and is not indicated immediately after the surgery.

Nowadays, the techniques to perform this type of procedures are perfecting, so that it is now possible to take advantage of the tissue around the belly button to give it a more natural appearance.