When we talk about having a well maintained skin, soft and without wrinkles we must think in the hyaluronic acid. This protein that is found naturally in the human tissues which can be used in a safe way, is mostly used for the growth of soft tissue, to recover volume and give volume to the areas which is most needed. It has a great demand worldwide due to the fact that when years go by we loose a great deal of our facial volume that we have.


Due to its inicial low cost and the short recovery time, this fillings have become a first go to place when it comes to maintaining a younger look. The substance improves the hidration of the skin, estimulates the production of collagen and its a potent antioxidant that posseses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


It is used in greater measure to treat static, deep or superficial wrinkles, correct any asymmetry in the soft parts like cheekbones or cheeks. Apart from certain background with allergies or taking some medication in most cases there is no need for previuos medical exams.


The aplication is gentle and the patient may resume his/her daily activities with minor to no restrictions. This procedure has no common negative effects and if they come up are very minor. For all this reasons it is a great option that can garantee your safety and satisfaction in a very short time.