Plastic surgery online misleading advertising is on the rise. Although the majority of professionals already use this medium as an alternative to advertising, some of These promotions or clinics are a farce.

Some type of advertising they offer fast, painless and economical treatment; unfortunately these promises come thousands of people to be an accessible and immediate way and to see this great offer ends rely on "assurances" that it offers them this advertising.

This type of advertising generated false expectations in people, creating unrealistic expectations about the results of these interventions. For this reason be alert and do not let convince your self for offers or discounts these people put as attractions.

1.Doubt if they are offering simple non-invasive treatments promising drastic changes in few days .
2.Those promotions "generous" are misleading commercials
3.Offer two treatments in one or "super combos", are false offerings that just want to attract your interest.
4.Ad is no guarantee sustain quality in procedures that offer, try to qualify the professionalism and experience knowing the background of plastic surgeon.

For this reason, when choosing a plastic surgeon is important to know :
-Graduate and board certification
-Personal recommendations
- Experience
- Cost
-Photos and the testimony of their patients
-Excellent installations
-Anesthesiologist and pre-anesthesia consultation

"Always consult with qualified, skilled professionals, with knowledge, experience and diplomas awarded by higher education institutions duly recognized by the national Government, specialists with quality , ethics and accountability, these characteristics that have plastic surgeons of the Colombian society of plastic and reconstructive surgery - SCCP -, which are more than 700 members of the entity medical scientist in the country and are registered in"