Do you have excess of skin, fat or sagging in the abdomen and do not know what surgery do you need in order to improve the appearance of this area?

The tummy tuck also known as abdominoplasty or lipectomy which is indicated to strengthen, tone and eliminate excess of tissue from the abdominal area, returning the slender figure and toned you may have had and that for some natural reasons no longer have .

For example, women who have been pregnant, the muscles of her abdomen usually separated from the center line, creating the image of sagging. Another case may be those who have lost weight and have excess of skin on their abdomen, although they have treated with exercise have goten de expected result, this surgery could offer them the results they expect.

candidates for this surgery are people who are in good health condition that present excess of skin in the abdominal area and had weakness of their abdominal wall , the muscles are surgical tighten given a better apperance to tummy and waist.