Plastic surgery and pregnancy

Plastic surgery and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very beautiful stage that women experience and their bodies experience many changes. Weight gain and change in the elasticity of your skin is one of the most obvious and remaining backlogs once birth giving.

In the abdomen it is very normal to see stretch marks, sagging skin , abdominal , hernias in the navel and accumulation of fat in specific area. By the other hand, the breasts often lose their firmness and skin begins to overrun.

Recommended for these candidates, surgeries generally are:
-Breast augmentation

If you have any questions, you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

1171 Hits

Mastopexy and breast reduction

Mastopexy and breast reduction

Mastopexy and breast reduction are surgical procedures indicated for women who want to change the appearance of their breasts with special conditions. The first surgery is used to correct drooping breasts while the second corrects and reduces the size of the mammary gland.

The amount of breast tissue changes due to factors such as changes in weight, pregnancy and hormonal changes which causes the ligaments and the pipeline system in the breast stretch and cause the decline. This condition is called ptosis, a fall resulting from breast tissues yield to the force of gravity. When there is only this background, mastopexy is a very viable option, because it is about to do the reposition of the nipple and areola higher on the chest.

But as well as this condition is added hypertrophy, which are very large, heavy and non-harmonic breasts with respect to the proportions of the body, which sometimes cause pain on the back , a breast reduction, i recommend a breast reduction and lift the amount of breast tissue and the position of the nipple and areola.

In any case, it is advisable that you express all your expectations so i can give you a correct assessment .

1035 Hits

What kind of care should be taken to keep the results of liposuction?

What kind of care should be taken to keep the results of liposuction?

Although the final results of liposculpture take some time to be due at time of final recovery of the body, if you are thinking to perform a procedure of this type is very important that you need to change your nutritional habits to take care of your new shapes and cganges on tyour body after having surgery.

Removing fat from localized areas by lipo aspiration is a very popular and fast process in order to achieve excellent results as a lean body, lose weight and reduce size.

To take care for these new measures after a liposculpture you must change your habits: a meal plan balanced that does not necessarily have to be slavish, but healthy and consistent exercise routine, not only to maintain the results, but keep your body with a good health, give strength to body and vitality.

I recommend that you avoid overly processed foods because they contain compounds that are not healthy for your health. Consume lean protein like turkey, chicken and fish; in your diet includes whole grains like brown rice and oats, leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts. With respect to the fat, you can opt for a healthy as olive oil , coconut oil, avocado.

I recommend that you obtain a nutritionally assessment for you to take control of your eating behavior and you begin to understand healthy habits to keep the results of your liposuction.

1070 Hits

What is lipoinyection?

What is lipoinyection?

Lipoinyeccion is one of the procedures to improve the contour of the buttocks and lift it. Fat is removed from patient with lipoaspiration and then is transfered to gluteal area after it has been purify. Not all remove fat is available for transfering.

Never allow substances such as biopolymers or methacrylates are used on you: it has already been shown that unsafe and harmful to health even years after being placed.

Among the advantages of liposuction is that it is not a stranger substance or element added, then you can get a more natural result and a more harmonious and contoured shape.

As there are people who want to increase the size of their buttocks, there are others who want to diminish it, so there is also the buttock liposuction to shape the figure.

Anyone in good health and whose laboratory tests and medical evaluation is normal is a candidate for this procedure.

1734 Hits

Indications to perform a rhinoplasty

Indications to perform a rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty in a surgical procedure designed to produce changes in the appearance , structure and function of the nose . The procedure is performed to adults presenting an alteration in the natural morphology of the nose.

Such surgery is not only done for aesthetic reasons , there are also reparative and reconstructive reasons, including a deviated nasal septum , with or without obstruction of the air inlet , which occurred after a major trauma , is limiting in a person's life.

Thanks to plastic surgery, these nasal post-traumatic disorders can be corrected satisfactorily, improving the functionality of the organ.

Other common indications for rhinoplasty are , the hump on the nasal dorsum profile , nasal tip dropped or thick look and wide nose in frontal view.

With the instructions, go ahead and send me your photos to make an assessment and clear your doubts .

1366 Hits

What are the types of healing?

What are the types of healing?

The scars are the fear of any patient, however, are an essential part of the natural and normal healing process of the body, as well as being the result of the skin repair from wounds caused by accidents, illnesses or surgeries.

At first, the scars are pink strong and noticeable, however with the over time in some cases, these are decreasing their color and accentuated.

For this reason, I will explain the three main types of scars:

1.Hypertrophic scars are those that occur over a lesion forming an exaggerated fabric, creating a fibrous tissue that produces the lift of the scar.

2.The Keloids are also known as scars of overgrowth. It is pink or purple and sometimes hyperpigmented. The contours are well marked, although irregular, since they exceed the initial margins of the wound.

3.Finally, atrophic scars are slightly sunken due to lack of collagen. In these cases, the scar tissue does not cover the entire damaged area, they are frequent after acne or chickenpox.

These problems must be treated early so their treatment can be effective.

979 Hits

Special Plan for foreingn or national patients

Special Plan for foreingn or national patients

Do you live abroad and think in making you a plastic surgery? This plan is specially designed for you. We provide you with all the logistics, security and peace of mind for your speedy and successful recovery. Our special plan for foreign or domestic includes:

-Airport pick up



-Laundry service

-Nurse 24 hours during the days which remain hosted

-Transportation to the clinic the day of your surgery and transportation to your medical checkups

-Pre-surgical laboratory

-Assessment with anesthesiologist

-Post-surgical massage (lymphatic drainage)

-Clothes (BRA postsurgical, postsurgical strips, depending on the surgery.)

In three steps you can make your dream come true:

  1. Please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 3 photos of your body or face: forehead, arms to your sides, side arms in front and back, arms to your sides.
  2. I will review your case and send to you a surgical plan and budget of your surgery, as well as the recommendations depending on the plan chosen for you.
  3. To receive my plan, book your appointment by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call us at + 57 (2) 555 6228 / USA (239) 400-0770.
1036 Hits

Do you know wich are the enemies of a flat abdomen?

Do you know wich are the enemies of a flat abdomen?

For many of my patients is a little difficult to get used to maintain new eating habits so sometimes little by little becomes accumulate fat in the belly, one of the most complex areas to burn the fat. Do exercise every day without a care in consumed on a daily basis, it can be exhausting and little helpful. Since some foods lead to fat directly to the belly and hips contributing to sagging in these areas of the body. Some of those foods that cause belly fat storage are:

1. sugar: they have a high content of calories that are stored in body fat deposits. They may be harmful to the immune system and are the first that promote weight gain and the accumulation of fat in the belly.

2. White processed foods: white flour, rice and gluten, refined to have more attractive appearance have very few nutrients. These foods contain a high percentage of empty calories that can not be easily processed by the body.

3. red meats and sausages: one of the reasons why you should avoid to eat this type of food is that the body can not simultaneously processed meat and fat; in this way the body can not to burn fast enough, resulting in those chubby waist. It is recommended to consume meat light like chicken, fish and lean meat.

4. alcoholic beverages: alcohol has high amount of calories by excessive sugar content. Beverages like wine, rum, brandy and most cocktails are one of the keys in the emergence of abdominal fat. These beverages contribute to the deterioration of muscle tissue, giving way to fat gain, especially in that area of the body.

The care you have after having your surgery depends largely on maintaining the long-term results , recalls the plastic surgery is not magical and once you done it  you should be aware that in order to maintain the results of your surgery ,is really important to change your eating habits and exercise at least 45 minutes a day. Although it might be convenient for me as a surgeon have multiple times to a patient in the operating room, honestly i dont  recommend it, every surgery has risks and results after the first liposculpture can be quite different from those of a second, theres why you  should be careful and not abuse of surgeries. 

1077 Hits

4 types of biopolymers which must not be you never in your body

4 types of biopolymers which must not be you never in your body

Some patients fail to see the danger that run their lives by putting them in the hands of malicious unscrupulous people capable of wearing a white coat and become calling doctors, pretending to be specialists to gain the confidence of their victims enthusing them with a new image, but at what price?

A syringe filled with oil for aircraft, industrial silicone, oil, cooking and even cement among other illegal substances, have been injected into people by lack of information or money, taking the ""best opportunity"" without knowing that his life depends on it.

Here I tell you some of the biopolymers that must not be apply never in your body:

1 Biogel or silicone: injectable filler that is nothing more than high viscosity mineral oil or silicon oil. Injection with this type of substances generates encapsulation of consequences such as alterations in the immune system, deformities, infections, inflammation, discharge of pus or matter, respiratory failure, and the silicone embolism pulmonary and even death.

2 POLYACRYLIC glass (PMMA): substance mainly composed of acrylic and gel. Some people use it to correct wrinkles, increase buttocks, lifting of cheekbones and calf augmentation. When this substance is injected, it penetrates the muscle tissues and crystallizes producing fibrosis. The affected tissue reacts naturally trying to expel such a substance in the body which causes the crystals to move to other areas.

3 Hialucorp: this substance despite its registry Invima in Colombia, is one of the many that although he says contain hyaluronic acid, consists largely of silica; to inject into the body can generate harmful health effects, such as severe infections leaving sequelae of life or destruction of tissues.

4 Dimethyl polysiloxane or silicone: known as expandable cells, is nothing more than dilute silicone that by becoming solid favors information granulomas or skin bumps. The consequences are extremely painful and almost irreparable.

I invite all of my patients  to be  informed and do not allow anyone to play around  with their health. Always check with certified experts taking all possible precautions.

2272 Hits

The importance of using strip after a liposuction

The importance of using strip after a liposuction

I always tell my patients that the use of a girdle after having  a contouring procedure is crucial for successful results. The time of duration of  girdle depends largely on the progress of the recovery, but usually compression garments must be use around 3 months after surgery. Among the benefits offered by the use of the garment are: 1. helps reduce bruising and swelling since the girdle compression optimizes the blood circulation and reduces fluid retention. 2. the compression of the Strip in the surgical area minimizes the movement of tissues involved in the surgery, allows the incisions to remain protected and clean in the early stages of healing by reducing the risk of infection. 3. reduces the risk of irregularities on the surface of the skin such as ripples or bumps. 4. the use of the garment  in  the trat areas  as the abdomen exerts uniform pressure on the area to improve the adhesion of the skin and cure.

1221 Hits

Discover the advantages of a laser liposculpture

Discover the advantages of a laser liposculpture

Technically speaking, laser liposuction is a new, effective procedure to eliminate excess of fat in hips, abdomen, thighs, arms, neck and face. One of the advantages of the lipolaser is that it's a much less aggressive with  body because LÁSER breaks the fat cells, before aspiration preventing  less bleeding or bruising something very common in traditional liposuction. 

During the following 24 should not do any kind of exercise, after some days you can can do low impact exercise like walking so that the blood flow begins to be activated and recovery is satisfactory. With hot baths in the treated area will help the movement to regenerate much faster.

1172 Hits

Risks of Home Liposuction

Risks of Home Liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic operation that demands professional staff, experts in surgery and anesthesia, besides this like any other surgical procedure must be carried in a room specialized as an operating room, and in no way in a room of a House that is not suitable for this type of procedures. All surgery must meet health and formal procedures. To avoid becoming a victim of clandestine places where to practice without any kind of professionalism surgeries, leave some recommendations to keep in mind:

1. it is important to ensure that the person who placed the anesthesia is a qualified medical professional. The lack of a real anesthesiologist can lead to tragic results.

2. the hygienic conditions of the place and the working tools are of total importance, since the lack of asepsis and hygiene in the working tools can cause infections that can be put at risk the life of the patient.

3. people performing such procedures without studies previous, certified and supported by the society of Surgeons of the country, augment the chances of damage to any organ or tissue, to cause death.

Unfortunately some people unscrupulous that lends itself to perform this type of interventions without having sanitation and basic and essential operation conditions putting at great risk to the person who puts in their hands. 

1417 Hits
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