The double chin is one of the facial features that most annoy those who have it, as it not only affects overweight people, but may have thin people, but are genetically predisposed to generate fat accumulation in that area. If you have jowls and you want to say goodbye to her I recommend that you follow these recommendations:
- If you are overweight, start exercising daily and ensure that your diet is rich in water, fruits and vegetables. If your body loses fat your gill will also become smaller.
- Once or twice daily massage the area of ​​the chin with a cream rich in collagen. You should slide your chin fingers towards the neck and repeat the procedure for 5 minutes. This will help you redistribute the fat in the area and help your skin to become stressed thanks to the action of collagen.
- If you want to have quick results or have already tried to follow the above tips I recommend the lipolaser. For this procedure the laser technology is used to liquefy the fat present in the double chin. The laser stimulates the formation of collagen so that the skin is tense. It does not require hospitalization or general anesthesia, as it is an outpatient procedure.