Plastic surgery also have room for us men . Currently , my male patients occupy a very important place in my consultations , not only to improve their appearance , but also to refresh their physical appearance , worrying about their personal appearance , mental stability and ultimately to improve their self-esteem.

It is normal that my male patients consult their complaints and I will gladly answer them. Then I leave the most requested cosmetic procedures my patients:

1. Blepharoplasty: men who want to rejuvenate their look and change that tired or sad look in his eyes with the passage of the years. It is important, as in any surgical procedure, the clinical assessment of this area, giving importance to the periorbital fat bags, excess skin and muscle ptosis of the eyelid, for thus corrected surgically and shape each personal case.

2. Gynecomastia: with this treatment to correct the abnormal growth of the mammary gland in men due to hormonal changes during adolescence or side effects of some drugs that can stay and generate discomfort in adulthood. The result is excellent, making a chest with a natural look in keeping their physiognomy.

3.Pectoral increase: shapely body muscles is very important for men, however, for some who work their body through exercise with constant physical training, it is frustrating that, despite the routines with dumbbells, pectoral muscles do not develop as they wish. Thus, in the majority of cases I used to male silicone implants giving a muscle shape desired, with implants that are accommodated to their height, weight, and chest.

4.Liposuction or liposculpture: used as an ideal technique to remove fatty deposits that are hosted on parts of the body that are difficult to get off with diet and exercise.