Cali is a city with a tropical climate, however, as is natural, sometimes it rains. As in all tropical countries there are mosquitoes, even in the urban area.

Considering the possibility that it is your first visit to Colombia, you must know what to keep in your suitcase, so you will keep only necessary things. Below I will mention a series of clothes and articles that you must bring in your suitcase:

- Light clothing such as cotton dresses and sweatshirts, so you'll feel cool and enjoy the warm weather.

- If your surgery is a rhinoplasty bring a wide-brimmed hat to protect you from the sun.

- If your surgery is corporal, bring a light cardigan to cover your postquirurgical sash or make sure your cotton dresses have sleeves.

- In any case you should bring warmcoats and socks because in the clinic there is air conditioning and the temperature is very low.

- Repellent against insects containing Dietil Toluamide. Avoid buy canned repellent, because contaminate the planet. It is very important that you read the ingredients to buy an effective product.

- Regardless of your surgery you must bring antithrombotic stockings to the knees, because if you are not careful to use them, thrombi will can form.

All your toiletries including hygienic towels and wet wipes.