With reliable and professional techniques, I offer to my patients aesthetic modern procedures to achieve a rejuvenation that does not affect the composition of the face and without enter to the operating room. With the technology support, I gender to my patients satisfactory experiences that will fit to the needs that you have.

  1. Botulinum Toxin - Botox: a protein that has the ability to weaken the muscles where it applies. These weak muscles, lacking adequate strength to contract, the incredible effect not to generate the lines of expression of the injected sites. Botox is applied directly on the muscle responsible for by the formation of the line or wrinkle expression, causing its temporary relaxation and providing a more rested and youthful appearance to the face.
  2. Facial fillers (hyaluronic acid): is used to correct depressions, wrinkles, asymmetries and lack of tissue in face and/or body. I evaluate what the patient wants, thier face type, problem to correct, their personal activities, work, etc. There are many types of fillers and their application is different according to the patient.
  3. Peeling: is a dermatological treatment for the treatment of wrinkles, spots, some scars and comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Its objective is to generate an exfoliation of the skin through chemical means such as creams, gels, pastes and solutions.
  4. With plasma facial rejuvenation: Unlike other treatments is not synthesized from natural or artificial products, but simply consists of " harvest" and "implement" their own cells responsible for cellular regeneration in the right place and in a quantity that is impossible to achieve by your body by it self.