It´s common for some patients to ask me how long they should wait before start exercising after a breast augmentation procedure.

Taking into account that the recovery period for this kind of procedure varies according to the lifestyle of the patient and the conditions of discipline with which it is carried out, it’s always advisable a rest of not less than 30 days, time in which small walks, with little intensity, can be realized.

It’s necessary to strictly follow the resting measures and avoid certain activities. During the first two weeks it is preferable not to make wide or rapid movements with the arms, nor movements that require a lot of force. After this period, during the next two weeks, the patient can resume normal activities, such as driving or lifting moderate weights, and resume physical activity gradually, seeking exercises that do not compromise the pectoral muscles and, importantly, using a good bra for sports.

After about 40 days, it can be said that the person practically regains to his or her normal life. Remember that this depends on the type of procedure that has been performed. It is necessary that they know that, in regard to muscle development exercises, when the prosthesis is inserted in the subglandular position does not represent any type of risk after this period.

But, when the implant is inserted in a subpectoral position, the exercises of muscle building in this area are not recommended in a prolonged way. It is for this reason that the patient should be very clear about the type of sports activities that he or she wants to perform.