Abdominoplasty usually starts with a liposuction to remove excess of fat from the abdomen and finally the excess of skin is removed and muscle tissues around are modified to obtain a better modeling of the waist. In most cases the navel can be remodeled to achieve aesthetic purposes.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

-Improves appearance
When the abdomen and skin has stretched so much that is not possible natural repair, either by pregnancy or excessive weight changes, abdominoplasty is a solution. You can get a flatter and firmer stomach, you can narrow your waist and provide a smoother contour the abdomen. In addition, most of stretch marks could disappear from the area.

-Elimination Of skin’s excess
When there is excess of skin is an indication that it has reduced its elasticity, which can be normal due to the passage of time, pregnancy or excessive weight changes. Unlike liposuction, for example, abdominoplasty allows the removal of excess skin and thus removing pockets of fat.

-Abdominal-muscles more toned
Over time, the muscles tend to separate in the midline of the belly.
Abdominoplasty is not only to show more tense muscles and reverse the separation, but the patient may feel their firm, tight, strong and tough abdomen.

-Lasting results
Under suitable conditions, the results of a tummy tuck can last at least a decade o more ,these results largely depend on the care that the patient make your own body.
The two factors that influence markedly in the results over time of this procedure are pregnancy and significant weight loss.